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why did jensen come to me and

say that we had been dating?


hey slow down

the hell are you talking about

jensen came by to talk to

victoria but there he was

talking to me about us

about us being ENGAGED




i didnt say a thing to him

he barely knows that i was with victoria last year

i mean we only dated for a couple months

that isnt the point

he knows about something

someone in your little circle knows something




i told you

i didnt say a thing

do you understand what is going to happen

to my life and career if people know the truth

if victoria learns the truth?



nothing is going to happen

no one knows a thing

victoria and i werent that serious

it was more of a fling

that didnt matter to me

none of it did

and i mean if she wants to date

jensen then thats fine

she doesnt matter to me

only YOU matter to me

that isnt the point

the point is that you lied to her

we lied to her

you cheated on her

you were with me

you walked away from her to be with me

i am her friend and i did this to her

i destroyed her

i created that hole

i was the reason for her melt down last year


no that meltdown was because she

couldnt understand that i was done

i was done with her lies

with her coverups

i knew about her too Mia

i knew what she was doing behind my back

dont you ever let her change your mind about us

she doesnt know stephen for filming or campigns

you may want to question that before you start judging

anyone else in this situation

i just cant get it out of my mind

victoria didnt need that last year

she doesnt need this now

she is finally back to good

and i mean if she ever

if she ever found out


found out what?

found out that we were friends?

that something happened after me and her

went our ways?

Mia just stop worrying about shit

you are going to make yourself sick over sick that

is years old

she is my best friend

i helped her create this company

i just stabbed her in the back


you really need to stop worrying about this

i didnt love her

i love you

i love you too
read 9:07 pm

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