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"Can I help you?" The young girl asked Jensen as he walked into the building pulling his hood down from his head.

Jensen looked down at her, "I am waiting for someone."

"Again, can I help you?"

Jensen just looked back at her as the elevator doors pulled apart.

His eyes got wide as the blonde walked toward him pushing her phone into her pocket, "He is with me."

The girl behind the desk just smiled as she went back to her computer.

Jensen just stood there as Mia glanced back at him, "Aren't you coming with me?"

"Holy fuck."

"Just come with me." Mia rolled her eyes as they headed back to the elevator.

"You are Mia..."


"Like the Mia that once was engaged to Jared..."

Mia turned half way to him, "Jared?"


"I'm sorry, what?"

"Aren't you Mia Parker?"


"Then you were engaged to Jared, you two were together."

"We were never engaged..."

"He bought the ring and said he gave it to you."

"No." Mia glanced back at the doors as they ripped apart once more. "Come on. It is this way."

Jensen followed her around the hallway that was covered in magazine covers.

Mia stopped at the glass doors as she nodded over her shoulder, "In there."

"Thanks." Jensen walked around her as Mia ignored him.

Jensen walked into the room as just a few lights where on in the back. He walked over toward the lights when a phone went off.

That was his ringtone.


Jensen stepped into the office as the tall black chair was turned around to him.

"Hello?" Jensen went over to the chair as his phone was resting on the desk.

He reached down for the phone as it stopped ringing.

"You probably want this too."

Jensen glanced up as I was standing next to him with a bag in my hands.

"You destroyed my dress from the other night but you managed to leave behind some clothes."

"I don't remember leaving anything."

I grinned back at him, "Explains why I ended up with your phone."

Jensen grinned back at me.

I sat down in my chair, "Do you need anything else?"

Jensen glanced down as his phone went off again, "Have you ate yet?"


"Dinner, have you had it yet?"

I cracked a smile at him, "You must think I have time for that kinda thing."

"You will because I am asking."

"You think that has a sway or something."

Jensen leaned down toward me, "You spoke in Russian the other night. I'm sure not every guy can make you do that."

"I don't think you should applaud yourself just yet. I was drunk."

Jensen watched me walk around him, "I don't know. You remembered me pretty well."

"And apparently you know me."

"Last year the hamptons, you hosted a party that my friend Jared went to."

I turned back around to him, "Jared?"

"Yea, the one that dated Mia."

"He didn't date Mia."

"What? She said that they did."

"Jared was never with her."

Jensen just looked back at me.

"Jared and I dated last summer."

Jensen's jaw slowly went down as the color in his face was gone.

"That's how I thought you knew me. Was that we were together."

Jensen shook his head, "No, I asked a friend. He said that it was Mia that he was with. That he was with Mia."

My eyes narrowed, "What friend?"


"Amell?" I questioned back.

Jensen just looked at me.

"You don't know the whole story."

Jensen looked down as his phone went off again.

"You probably wanna take that. He will probably have something to say to you." I wiped the corner of my eyes with the back of my hands.

"No, I wanna get dinner with you. Tonight. Just me and you."

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