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Garuku Bluemoon as himself

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Garuku Bluemoon as himself

(Insert Full Name Here) as herself

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(Insert Full Name Here) as herself

Wade Barnes as himself (Lordminion777)

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Wade Barnes as himself (Lordminion777)

Wade Barnes as himself (Lordminion777)

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Patrck as Himself (PatrckStatic)

Jeremiah Woodward as Himself (JPw03)

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Jeremiah Woodward as Himself (JPw03)

Molly (Soon-to-be- Barnes) as Herself aka Foxtrot44

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Molly (Soon-to-be- Barnes) as Herself aka Foxtrot44

Any other Youtuber which is mentioned in this book, such as Dlive22891, EntoanThePack, BreadHeroDan, Muyskerm, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye...

Tyler Whittaker - Clarke (Me!) as myself in the alter ego of Tyler "Mystery" Rogue Jones (Not a picture of me though)

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Tyler Whittaker - Clarke (Me!) as myself in the alter ego of Tyler "Mystery" Rogue Jones (Not a picture of me though)

Tyler Whittaker - Clarke (Me!) as myself in the alter ego of Tyler "Mystery" Rogue Jones (Not a picture of me though)

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Stephen James as Damian "Black-Danger" Knight

Descriptions of characters' personalities:

Garuku Bluemoon - A fun loving gamer who is one of the members from the youtube group "Dem Salty Boys". He is known for being amazing at games to the extent of his friends calling him a 'Hacker'. He uses his 'Hax' to win at games such as Move or Die, Dead By Daylight, Gang Beasts, Cards Against Humanity. He has an adorable corgi called Dante.

(Insert Full Name Here) - An amazing person who just started to become a gamer on the social media video app "Youtube". She is best friends with Lordminion777 aka Wade, and Markiplier aka Mark. She is full of joy and cheer and always has a big smile on her face.

Wade Barnes - Also known as Lordminion777, he is a bubbly youtuber who is known for his salty antics among his friends. He is part of "Dem Salty Boys" and is marrying the twitch streamer, Foxtrot44, in March 2018.

Patrck - Also known as PatrckStatic. This youtuber is known for his trolling antics towards his friends as well as his enormous amount of salty. He has a history of scarring his poor furniture when he is frustrated, angry and/or salty. He is also part of "Dem Salty Boys".

Jeremiah Woodward  - Also known as JPw03, he is a somewhat innocent member of "Dem Salty Boys". He doesn't swear at all but he isn't as innocent as the audience say he is. He is a cheerful person who is a major supporter of the Tampa Bay Lightning hockey team. Go Bolt!

Mark Fischbach - Also known as Markiplier. Best friends with the reader, Bob and Wade. He has over 18 million subscribers and is a major influence on many.

Any other youtuber/twitch streamer mentioned - All the youtubers/twitch streamers who are mentioned in this book are amazing people who dedicate their time into making videos. They are all friendly people who do a lot of charity work and gaming.

Tyler Jones - A youtuber who is similar to PatrckStatic but is also a bit mysterious. She plays video games with Dem Salty Boys as well as her boyfriend, Damian. She is somewhat happy but tends not to socialise as she has a fear of hurting someone. Due to her past, she can't stand large crowds unless she is with Arrow or any of her friends.

Damian Knight - Another mysterious youtuber. Along with Tyler, he has a tragic origin in which he met Tyler. Through Tyler, he has met every youtuber that Tyler has talked to. He is quite protective of his friends and possessive of Tyler. He, along with Tyler and two other friends, has created the channel "4Triggered".


Welcome to this book! Hope you guys will enjoy this once I get started. Just to clarify, I put "Any other youtubers" in the characters and intro not because I was lazy, but I'm still not sure as to how many other youtubers will be featured. There were a few suggestions such as Jacksepticeye, EntoanThePack and Dlive22891.

Again, hope you enjoy this book!

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