Chapter 2: Garuku Bluemoon

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Reader's pov

I didn't fall asleep 'til the early morning. All I could think about was Gar. Just thinking about it made me smile. Pulling myself out of my warm duvet, I dragged myself to the bathroom. Staring into the mirror, I groaned when I witnessed myself as Big Foot.

Sighing, I turned on the shower and wandered into the refreshing water. My thoughts drifted to last night. Even though Wade only introduced me yesterday, I've made more friends than I have in my kindergarten life. Smiling to myself, I hopped out the shower and got myself dressed my fluffy blue pyjamas before putting my hair into a messy bun. The only visitors I'm expecting is Wade and Molly...and probably the pizza guy. Speaking of the devils, the door bell binged through the apartment. Dashing to the door, I swung it open to see the lovely couple. Gesturing for them to come in, I stepped aside.

"Hey shorty." Wade grinned cheekily before patting my head.

"Hey baldy!" I playfully punched Wade as Molly burst out laughing. Wade pouted as he closed the door behind him. Molly wiped her tears of laughter away before pulling me into a hug. We sat down on my black leather couch.

"Shit, do you guys want a drink? Hot chocolate, water, alcohol beverage, milk, tea, coffee." I offered but both shook their heads. Shrugging, I sat on the floor, cross legged.

"So did you enjoy playing with us?" Molly questioned, jeez, this woman has a bit eager to know. Nodding my head, I grinned at the thought of Gar's reaction and our little chat. Wade wiggled his eyebrows and smirked.

"Who ya thinkin' about, (Y/n)?" He asked. My face flushed a crimson red. Dammit Wade...

What is it with these two jumping into the questions? Couldn't they start off with something simple like, "Hey, how are you?" or "How's uni going?". Man...simple questions first.

"Last night. It was one of the best nights of my life! I mean, it's been the funniest and it took my mind off university work. Damian seems like a werewolf, Tyler seems like she should be in Arkham Asylum, Patrck takes crazy to a whole other level, JP weird, Gar...Gar is nice and he isn't a hacker." A smile rose across my face at the thought of Gar.

"And you like him!" Molly squealed in a benevolent manner. Wade nodded in agreement as I blushed. Maybe I do...


I don't know him!

"I don't really know, I mean, we only just met for the first time last night. After you guys left, we chatted 'til it was midnight. We played twenty question too." I explained. Molly and Wade turned towards each other, smirks dancing on their faces.

"We have to go, I mean, we're meeting up with the wedding planners." Wade explained as he took Molly's hand. They both dashed out the apartment quickly. A few moments later, Wade's head appeared at the front door.

"His youtube channel's called Garuku Bluemoon. Check it out." With that, he disappeared again. Sighing, I stood up and strolled over to the door, gently slamming it shut.

"Pizza...Good breakfast food." I mumbled, strolling over to the phone. All I could think about was him.

Garuku Bluemoon.

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