Chapter 3: University

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After enjoying my scrumptious pizza, I rushed to get dressed. Whilst Wade and Mark had already left uni, I was still in the education system. I want to get a degree before finding a job. Yes, I have a job but that's working at the local coffee shop.

Grabbing my bag, I rushed out the apartment. It was one of those days where I just wanted to curl up in my toasty warm bed and sleep the day away. Yes, I was one of those people who preferred sleep to guys. One my way to the university, I glided by many people: young, old, in love, heartbroken. I passed them by like a shadow in the hopeful light.

Entering the uni hit me. I'm getting old. Oh god. Casually, I started to make my way to my English Language class. Unfortunately, I bumped into someone. We both fell to the ground, however, a feminine voice groaned in pain. This was followed by an inhumane growl.

"Watch where you're going, bitch." A deep, yet familiar, voice yelled. Looking up, I acknowledged him. He kinda looked like Damian.

"Dami, seriously! We both weren't watching where we're going. It's not just her fault." That voice, it sounded so familiar. The woman turned to me, a ghostly smile across her face, "Name's Tyler, Tyler Jones. This here is my boyfriend, Damian Knight." That's who it was.

"Hey Tyler. I thought you were living in Britain or something?" I questioned. Tyler's eyes widen as her smile reformed into a grin. I hugged her tight as she laughed. Many students glanced at us with weird expressions.

"They have never really seen us with anyone and laugh, for that matter." Tyler explained causing me to nod. Damian grabbed her by her petite waist and dragged her towards my English room. Were they always in my English class? Quickly, I caught up to them, making small talk every so often.

"Miss (Your name), can you give me an answer as to why you are late?" Mr Anderson, my English Language teacher questioned, raising an eyebrow. He was a kind old man, in his late fifties. He would always try to make lessons more fun, some even included diverting onto movies or books that weren't on the syllabus.

"Sorry sir. The bus was delayed." I explained before taking my seat. He smiled before turning to Tyler and Damian.

"Should I even question where you two have been?" He teased as he gestured for them to sit down. Tyler blushed as Damian smirked.

The lesson continued. We started to learn about Murder On The Orient Express by Agatha Christie. It was a great book, however, it wasn't my type of genre. I'm the person in the werewolf and supernatural section of the Library. Sir kept talking about the plot and we analysed the opening page.

By the time the lesson finished, half the class was gone. I'm surprised that he even let the students leave. Yet again, he handed them transfer forms to the other English Language classes. I waited for Tyler and Damian before heading off to the pizzeria down the road.

"So...let's talk about Gar." Damian suggested, a smirk dancing across his face. Tyler playfully whacked his chest before taking a seat at a booth. My cheeks started to blaze up.

"W..What about Gar?" I stuttered out.

"We both know you have developed a tinsy wincy little crush on him. Girl, it's only been a day." Tyler impersonated a cliche popular bitch. I giggled at her impression, causing her to smile.

"Maybe I do."

And it hurts to be reminded of what love did to me.

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