Chapter 8: Face to Face

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(Name) was sat on the aircraft, waiting for the crew to get the cue to start letting everyone off the plane. It had been a week since the confession from Gar and she was still replaying the over and over in her mind. Now, Wade gave her the lovely address of Gar so she could surprise him. However, Molly came up with the better idea of getting the group together but keeping her a surprise.

So, you're on the plane which has landed in Ohio. As soon as the crew open the doors, she waited for everyone to rush off the plane since she wasn't the tallest person in the world and she wasn't going to risk her life just to meet the guy she was dating. (Name) stood up and grabbed her backpack, before beginning to wander off the plane. She thanked the crew before stepping off the plane and heading towards border checks. Once she passed that, she waited patiently for her suitcase.

During this time, she sent a message to Molly to say that she was here. The plan kept going over in her head: fly to Ohio, check into hotel, meet the group at the cafe, surprise Gar. How hard can it be?

When she saw her suitcase, she grabbed it and began to wander over to the taxi rank. However, a sign had caught her eye. Her name was written on it, however, she couldn't see who was holding the sign. It looked like there was two people there. Curiosity got the better of her and she strolled over to the couple.

A feminine giggle echoed in her ears and realisation hit her. She scrambled for her phone to check to see if there was any messages. There was Molly.

No need to get a taxi, Wade and I are here. Also, we have a few surprises of our own for you. -Molly

That sneaky fox. She let out a chuckle, pocketing her phone before wandering a bit away and silently walking around behind the two lovebirds. A smirk slowly crawled its way onto her face.

"Well, well, well, that isn't a closet that the two of you could hide in from Gar." She commented all of a sudden, causing the two to jump and squeal. The (hair colour) girl laughed, holding her stomach as she breathed for air.

"Hey to you too. Next time, greet us politely." Wade complained, trying to sound serious but he was failing badly. The two old friends exchanged a hug before the two women gave each other a hug. The couple led the girl out towards their car in the parking lot, the three discussing the plan and catching up on the events happening in their life.

They explained to her that Pat, Gar and JP were staying at their house but they had a spare room that she was staying in. Furthermore, luckily for them, the three were out playing Pokemon Go.

About fifteen minutes later, the trio arrived back at the Barnes' house. They quickly got (Name) to her temporary room before telling her that the others would be back in five minutes before they leave in thirty minutes to go to a restaurant.

------Time skip------

Name's Perspective

The others had just left the house, leaving me on my lonesome. I quickly get changed into something decent and presentable, I mean that it would technically be my first time meeting the group face to face.

Ordering an Uber, I make my way through the house. It says that it would be ten minutes so I take this opportunity to admire my friends' house. They really out did themselves with this house, it's amazing and spectacular! This is what I want in the future, a home like this in a quiet neighbourhood where everyone respects one another.

When the Uber arrived, I hopped in and told him the location. He nodded and we began to make a general conversation. I explained I was here with friends and it was all apart of a surprise for our friends. By the end, he was laughing at the fact that I scared my friends. Since the journey was paid for, I thanked him before getting out in front of the restaurant.

Gulping, I looked up and took a breath before entering the establishment. I saw the group chatting away. Silently, I made my way over to them behind the waiter. Wade and Molly were smiling, holding back their laughter. I placed my hand on Gar's shoulder.

"I couldn't miss this for the world." I spoke up.

Gar's Perspective

I was chatting away with the group about Pax South, that was coming up soon. However, my mind was on (Name) and how she couldn't make it here due to whatever her reason. That's what she said to me.

"Anyways, planning anything with (Name)?" Patrck asked as he glanced over to me, a smirk dancing on his lips as he began to wiggle his eyebrows. That guy, seriously. We've only started dating and he's already trying to suggest that we want to make out...typical.

"Maybe flying out to her and taking her out for a meal but then again, she'll be at Pax so I don't have long to see her." I explain before adding, "God, I wish she was here." I sigh deeply as I rest my chin on my hand. I was confused by Wade and Molly, they kept smiling and acting strangely weird...weirder than usual. I was about to comment but a voice interrupted my trail of thoughts.

"I couldn't miss this for the world." The familiar voice spoke up, placing their hand on my shoulder. My head twisted around a bit to see the person. A grin appeared on my face as I stood up, engulfing (Name) in a bear hug.

I guess this is what Wade and Molly were smiling about.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2020 ⏰

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