1 | does marlee's magical mystical shop ring a bell?

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Dear Charlie,

Does Marlee's Magical Mystical Shop ring a bell?

        I closed my book and hauled my ass out of the chair knowing it was time to get going. I still hadn't adjusted to the time difference, and it sucked.

Great Britain was amazing, except for the weather. Walking out I grabbed my umbrella from the hook and swiftly walked out of the building as fast as I could. It was getting late out and I had to rush home in the pouring down rain.

As the rain seeped into my shoes I found cover under a canopy in downtown London. I pulled out my phone to call and Uber only to find that it had died.

I shoved it back into my pocket and angrily walked into a near by shop. It was light and full of wonder right when I walked in it screamed 'fun'. The bell rang signaling my entrance and the employee who was sleeping at the cashier desk jolted awake. "Hi, welcome to Marlee's Magical Mystical Shop, how can help you?" She asked in a monotone.

I adjusted my scarf around my neck and shot her a smile. "I'm just looking."

The shop was truly Mystical like she described it. It had everything from toys and candies to candles and scarfs in an array of colors.

The trance the shop put me under was broken when the bell of the door rang. A man with a sharp jaw line and soaking wet cloths walked in, shaking his hands as he tried to warm them up.

He walked to the candy section next to where I was looking, I distracted myself and stared into the bucket of bottomless candy.

I finally remembered why I came into the shop and I walked up to the girl in the back of the store, trying to avoid bumping into the man as I walked up there.

I reached her and she looked up. "Yes?" She asked politely.

"I was wondering if I could charge my phone here so I could get home?" I asked, forcing a smile at the teenager.

She pointed to the nearest outlet and I gave a quick thank you before rushing over and plugging in my phone.

Until it turned back on, I looked at the store and decided to might as well look around. The man had circled back around with a toy car and a bag of truffles.

I was drooling over how good the chocolates looked when he walked up to me without me noticing.

"Do you want to take a picture?" He asked, smirking at my unhinged jaw.

I quickly shut my mouth and gave him a timid smile. "I wasn't staring at you, I was looking at the chocolates." I clarified.

He laughed and muttered a sarcastic 'yea ok' before moving towards the cashier. I followed him, not finished with the conversation. "Hey mister!"

"It's Archer."

"...you can't just, wait what?"

"My names Archer, not mister."

I stopped dead in my tracks. "Well, Ok." I said, not remembering what I was going to say.

He laughed and gave the lady a credit card before grabbing his bags and walking towards the door.

"Nice meeting you stranger." He said before he walked out.

"It's Hazel, not stranger." I corrected him.

He nodded his head. "Right."

He walked out, pulling his collar up to stop the rain from going into his jacket as he walked briskly down the street. I couldn't take my eyes off him and his persona.

"Lady, your phone is done charging."

I said a quick thank you and unplugged my phone. My thoughts still circled around Archer as I hopped into my Uber and left for the warm comfort of my home.

It shouldn't have, but I couldn't stop thinly about that arrogant asshole. Hopefully I'll never see his face again, that would be a tragedy.


I stand corrected, there he was again. I was working at the library like I do every Sunday and he was just sitting there calmly-hidden in the back of the bookshelves.

I couldn't understand why he was wearing sunglasses and his coat indoors, but than again he rubbed me the wrong way which made me curious about him.

I shrugged him off and tried to ignore him as I continued to put the books back onto the right shelves, organized by authors names. Currently I sat in the 'L' section trying to put a book back by livflower. The shelves felt like they stretched off into the sky, being my short self I couldn't reach them even with the step stools they provided.

Archer came around the corner and almost tripped on my sitting figure, with my legs sprawled out on the floor and my back up against the bookshelf. He chuckled and sat next to me, making our shoulders touch.

"So, why are you on the floor?" He asked, obviously amused.

I still couldn't believe he remembered me form the shop last night.

"I can't reach the top shelf." I admitted.

He got up and gave me a hand, I gladly took it and got up off the floor. He suddenly took my by the waist and lifted me off the ground, making me eye level with the shelf where I had to put the book. I placed it in the right spot and he lowered me to the ground.

Once my feet touched the ground I gladly turned around and went to thank him when I realized he was standing closely to me, making our chests almost touch.

I blushed slightly at the closeness. He awkwardly coughed and took a step back. "See you a round." He muttered.

I was taken aback but quickly recovered and sped-walked up to him. I put my hand on his shoulder and turned him around and than I blurted six words that I knew I would regret. "Do you wanna get a coffee?"

Dear Charlie (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now