8 | archeology is seriously not that interesting!

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Dear Charlie,

Archeology is seriously not that interesting!

My pillow shifted under me which made me widen my eyes-why is my pillow moving?!

I shot up off the floor and realized Archers arm was on the floor where I just was. Archer laughed and got up as well.

"I need to get going."

He grabbed his discarded jacket off the chair and walked towards the front door. I didn't want him to go, he was comfortable.


"You forgot I'm going to rule the country one day, love."

Holy shitballs, he just called me love. Was that a sign of affection or friendship? Why are my hormones everywhere today?

He said a quick goodbye and walked out of the door while putting on his sunglasses to hide his god like face from the public eye.

Issac strolled out of his room with a sweatshirt and skinny jeans on, not his normal attire. "Where you off to?" I asked, but than I saw the suitcase and my jaw almost hit the floor.


I can't believe my best friend is leaving already. He only came here on Monday-and it's Wednesday! I ran up to him and hugged him as hard as I could, a farewell bear hug.

He laughed and gave me a side hug. "I'll miss you El."

"I'll miss you too Iz."

It's been five minutes and everyone has already left my house, how did that happen?


After dropping Issac off at the airport I decided it was finally time to attend college. Cuz that's important.

Dropping my car off at the magic shop parking lot so I don't have to drive there afterwards, I headed to class. It wasn't that far away so I got there right on time.

Missing three days of school because your best friend was in town probably wouldn't go down too well with the professors, but heck they probably didn't care.

I walked into the lecture hall and sat in the way back where I usually sat. The people started to stream in and it was soon filled to the brim with students.

I looked around surprised by the amount of people in the class, last time I was here it only had twenty people in it.

After all this class was called Archeology 101.

So exciting-not sarcasm.

The class started to quite down when the teacher walked in and sat in his usual spot on his bar stool in the very front middle of the room.

"Whoa, if I'm not mistaken-this class has grown since yesterday." He joked.

Everyone gave off an awkward laugh while he smiled at his own corny teacher joke. Without asking why everyone-all of a sudden-wanted to take the class he started class. First by showing pictures of anthropologist study's shown around the world, and mostly concentrated in the southern India/Sri Lanka area of their culture.

Fun stuff.

The girl who had sat next to me gave me a warm smile which I confusingly returned. "So, you and the Prince huh?" She whispered.

I dropped my pencil and in an awkward attempt to get out of this conversation I went to grab it and ended up hitting my head on the table next to me.

The girl sitting there laughed and started to whisper to her friends on the other side of her all to openly.

"Why would he ever date..that thing?"

"Don't know, she's hot though."

I almost fumed when I got up and saw that their little chit chat was about me. The girl who had asked me that question and giggled waiting for an answer.

I growled and pulled out my phone, ignoring both of the girls next to me.

Me: we have a problem.

King Sexy: I'm outside, come out now.

I got flustered and started to pack my bag in a hurry, dropping my unlocked phone in the process. The snotty girl with the gossip filled mouth grabbed it and looked at the texts.

"What!" She yelled, catching the attention of the professor.

He stopped the lecture and walked to where we where sitting in the back and snatched the phone away from her. "What's going on here?"

"Nothing! Can I have my phone back?" I asked hurriedly.

"Who's King Sexy?"

The class erupted equivalent to the atomic bomb bombing japan- everyone got up and look up at us.

"Are the rumors true?" Someone asked.

The brat who took my phone swiftly grabbed it back. She scrolled and I tried to take it back but she only pulled it away from me.

Than the worst thing happened, she started to read-out loud!

"We have a problem-and than 'King Sexy' replies-I'm outside, come out now." Right when she read that she dropped the phone and ran for the door, followed by the whole class.

Including the teacher.

I grabbed my phone off the floor and my backpack and rushed behind the crowd. I squeezed my way through the hormonal teenagers and spotted Archers form near the park benches in the courtyard.

But everyone else notice too.

I ran ahead and yelled his name to which he turned around and smiled, but it fell as quickly as it appeared as he started to run towards me.

I was surprised to say the least that he wasn't running away from them. He reached me in the middle and grabbed my hand. We stopped and I gave him a side look as to why we where just standing there when all of a sudden the crowd approached us and mobbed the poor man holding my hand.

"Oh My God! Kiss me!" Someone yelled, making me gag.

I closed my eyes scared at the amount of people surrounding us.

"First mob?" Archer asked into my ear.

I nodded, not willing to open my eyes. He let out a chuckle and let go of my hand.

I instantly opened my eyes because of the loss of heat and saw that the crowd had taken a step back only for them to crowd us once more.

Archers hand returned to mine and he smiled. "Just wait for it."

Archer had lost his sunglasses, the left arm of his winter coat and his...right sock?

Gusts of wind started to swirl my hair around making me even more frustrated as they got stronger and stronger.

The crowd backed up all of a sudden and I realized the source of the wind was the loud helicopter above us.

The ladder was thrown down and Archer gripped it and hauled himself up on the first rung. Grabbing my arm he hoisted me up next to him and wrapped his arm around my waist.

He tugged the rope slightly and the helicopter started to go up and away from the mob, successfully removing us from the situation.

"You know the wind really looks good on you." Archer joked.

I let out a sarcastic laugh. "Hardy har har, you should see yourself right now, your a mess."

He laughed. "I'm your mess."

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