4 | did you know the queen of england is actually pretty chill?

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Dear Charlie,

Did you know the queen of England is actually pretty chill?

"I should probably get going." I stated.

I was still in awe by the view in front of me, even though the sun was long gone. I glanced at Archer and he gave me a lopsided smile, which I happily returned. I was still confused on how I got here, to think this morning I was working at the library and some how I was now at the Royal Cottage.

"I'll walk you out, do you have anyone that can pick you up?" He asked as he got up and out of his chair.

I got up along with him and stretched out my legs. "I can call an Uber."

He laughed. "I was only joking, here I'll take you home." He said, putting an arm out for me.

I gladly linked my arm with his as we walked up the way we came an hour ago. The door clicked open and he momentarily let go of my arm to slide it open for us. My arm instantly yearned for his touch again, the warmth vanishing all too soon.

We walked out and he didn't return his hand with mine, but walked ahead of me and down a hallway I never knew existed until now. A mahogany door swung open suddenly, almost hitting the fast paced prince in the head.

"Mother, watch where your going." He reprimanded.

The lady walked out and I instantly recognized her, she stood tall with white curly hair. Her blue eyes pierced mine as she evaluated my every move as I caught up to them in the hallway.

Being my stupid self I stuck out my hand. "Hi, I'm Hazel. Nice to meet you."

She started to laugh so hard she had to lean on her son for support. Her voice boomed and echoed around us as she laughed at me, her cheeks turning red.

"I know who you are!" She said, broken up in between laughs. After she calmed down she shook my awaiting hand. "But what's more important is if you know who I am."

I chuckled. "Kind of." I said quietly.

"Well I'm Queen Charlotte Guthrie Martha of Wales." She let go of my hand, making my arm fall limp. "It's nice to meet you too." She said, almost breaking out into another fit of laughter.

"Mother." Archer said sternly. "Your being rude."

I started to laugh, after all it was contagious. Archer gave me a look and my chuckles died off along with the Queens.

She put her hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry dear, but that was hilarious."

"No offense taken." I said with a grin.

It was nice to meet someone not so uptight around here, and that knew a good joke apart from a bad one.

She returned back into the room and Archer started to walk at the same pace he once held. I ran up and tackled him so that I was on his back-piggy back riding.

He let out a loud 'oof' but hooked his arms around my legs and hoisted me up. "What was that for?" He asked as he turned the corner of the hallway.

"You walk too fast, can't keep up with you." I said, still panting from the short run.

He laughed and entered a garage at the end of the hallway. Five cars stood, all clean and ready to go. I squealed at the amount of expensive vehicles and ran to the blue one-my favorite color; ditching Archer at the entrance.

He grabbed the keys off the hook on the side and hopped into the car followed closely behind by me. The leather seats felt good on my butt, the warmth causing me to moan in pleasure.

"Your funny." He stated as he drove off down the road.

"You just now realized this?" I asked jokingly.


The door slammed shut behind me and I quickly ran to the front room to look out the window and glance at the speeding car done the street. I let out an audible sigh of content and walked into my apartment. Throwing my phone at the couch I walked into the pantry and grabbed a ready-made meal.

I walked back into my kitchen to find my life long best friend standing near the stove with his mouth slack and food falling out.

He was stunned as he stared off into the distance. I cocked my eyebrow and poked him in the cheek, he jolted up and shut his jaw instantly.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, somewhat surprised that we wasn't in America like he should have been.

"I came here to surprise you." He said, still flabbergasted for some reason. His open jaw turned into a smile within seconds. "But it seems like you surprised me." He said, smirking.

I walked to my living room and motioned for him to sit down after I quick gave him a hug. "Issac, since when did you travel on a whim?" I asked once we where sitting down.

He shrugged, still brushing the sandwich he had made earlier. "Wanted to surprise you. So who was that hottie out there?" He asked, resting his chin on his outstretched hand.

I barked out a laugh and pointed at him. "Wouldn't you like to know."

The doorbell rang, sending a shrill of noise throughout the apartment. I went to the door with Issac following close behind asking a bunch of stupid questions.

"Is it him?"

"Is he hot?"

"Oh sorry, that's a dumb question."

"Of course he's hot."

I answered the door and Issac fainted behind me within a matter of seconds. I laughed and fully opened the door for Archer to walk in, carefully stepping over the body on the floor.

"I didn't know you had a roommate?" Archer commented.

I laughed. "I don't."

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