10 | channing tatum and issac would make a cute gay couple....

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Dear Charlie,

Channing Tatum and Issac would be a cute gay couple....

"Channing Tatum is hot."

That sentence was utterly true, every single word. But the thing is that the person who said it wasn't me, but the guy sitting next to me.

Archer laughed as he continued to watch the movie.

What a dork.

"Is this your way of telling me that your gay? You've met Issac, you guys would be a cute couple." I said, catching his attention away from the screen and onto me making me squirm in my seat.

He belted out a laugh as people around us in the movie theater shushed at him.

Who peed in their cereal today? So grouchy.

"I'm not gay Hazel."

"Well when your ready to come out, I'll fully support your decision."

He punched me in the arm lightly. "Hazel, I'm warning you."

After the little fiasco at Oxford and the complicated fight at the palace we wanted to get away from everything. So after I finally got to touch the top shelf we hustled to get out of their way when the king came in looking for the queen.

Complicated stuff.

When we left to get to the movies archer had brought two pairs of sunglasses for us, just in case the paparazzi caught us sneaking out.

We didn't need any more headlines in less than 24 hours.

He had taken his off when we came into the movie theaters and I had thrown them in my handy dandy purse.

Who even invented the purse, they need a raise.

"Earth to Hazel!" He whispered.

I shook my head and looked at his handsome face. "Sorry, just thinking."

He chuckled and returned his gaze to the screen.

Kingsman: the Golden circle was a terrible movie, no idea why we are still watching it at all. What a shame that Channing Tatum wasted his time on this blockbuster.

I could see Archer smiling as I stared at him from my side angle, the way his cheeks went up alerted me that he was up to something.

Without taking his eyes off of the screen he said. "Maybe Channing Tatum can be our always."

The popcorn I was holding in lap flew into the air as I punched him in the arm, hard. He laughed at my weak punch and finally turned his attention back at me even though tons of people where staring at this point.

"I warned you Hazel."

He stood up and in a blink of an eye he threw me over his shoulder and started to walk out of the theater.

I kept punching his back as we fairly made it or or the lobby of the movie theater. His whole body vibrated as he carried me towards the doors, pretending to drop me a couple of times as we walked it.

What a tease.

"Put me down!" I screeched as he did another fake fall.

He laughed, catching the attention of many young woman around us. While they swooned I rolled my eyes. "We need to get this attention off of us."

It was as if reality hit him and he put me down immediately when he saw someone turning on their phone, aiming it at us.

He pulled us behind a corner and pushed me up against the wall. Pulling his extra sunglasses-yes extra sunglasses- out of his pocket he shoved them on my face as he pressed up against me.

His whole body felt as if it where lent to be there, every surprisingly strong muscle, every....ab. It felt as if the missing pieces of my life where finally put back together-but instead of my family being those pieces, it was him.

He turned to face me and that's when I realized just how close our faces where. Blushing fiercely I looked down, having my hair cover my face.

I've never been more embarrassed. He put his hand under my chin and lifted my face up so that we could see eye to eye.

He broke out into a grin. "They're gone, let's get going shall we?"

I nodded and he pushed himself away from the position where he sandwiched me up against the wall. I stood to my full height and ran after his retreating figure.

We hopped into his car-rather flashy car at that-and headed off to my apartment. I said it than and I'll say it now, British people surf eon the wrong side of the road.

It was that moment that I realized what exactly just happened, I was face to face with the future king of this country.

It started so fast that I didn't know wether or not he was using me to get back at his dad. Or if he genuinely likes hanging out with me.

He was an ever changing riddle that I could never figure out.

"Here we are." He said breaking me out of my thought trance.

I nodded in appreciation and got out of the car. Walking into the building I couldn't help but think what I've been doing since I got here.

My goal when I got here was to get through college, get a job and live my life with three dogs by myself so I would never become like my parents. But here I was on a stepping stone to becoming them.

They where undeniably the worst parents a daughter could ever have, any adult deficiency that you can think of is exactly what they where, or in there words-what they had.

Charlie was the only light of my life there, he held me together. He kept me sane as we witnessed are parents fall down into unkown darkness together.

Charlie passing away was what sent me down a spiral that led me here, and the one person I trusted after that was Issac and his family.

But now that Archer has barged his way into my life all that cracks I had glued together where being pushed apart as he tried to wiggle his way in.

Who knew what his reasons where, but all I knew is that the ideal life I had in mind earlier when I moved here probably wouldn't happen now that I met him and his family.

Dear Charlie (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now