2 | did you know that coffee is a terrible ice breaker?

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Dear Charlie,

      Did you know Coffee is a terrible ice-breaker?

      We sat down in the booth closest to the window so I could secretly people watch. So far the only thing that struck me as odd about him was the fact that he was shut off from the world and didn't talk very much.

"So, tell me about yourself?" I asked awkwardly, trying to break the silence that consumed us.

"There's not much to tell. Do you work at the library?" He asked out of the blue.

I nodded. "Yes, every Sunday."

He shook his head in agreement and sipped out of his coffee that the busty waitress brought over. "So, what do you do on the weekdays than?" He asked.

Wow, this guy was really nosy. "I'm a foreign exchange student from America. I'm here for college." I explained.

He nodded. "I knew that she had a accent." He muttered under his breath.

I shrugged it off and continued to look out of the window.

"Witch uni?" He asked, making me look at his handsome face once again.

"Oxford." I answered, taking a sip of my hot chocolate. I've never been one for coffee, it always tasted gross every time I've tried to like it.

He nodded. "Good College."

I pursed my lips and looked out the window again. He looked at his watch and quickly got up out of his chair faster than I could blink. "I must get going."

And he was off, he ran towards the exit and out of the sliding doors, off into the rainy state of Great Britain.

I was stunned into silence and confusion. I was being nice and he up and left me! How rude! I flipped his retreating figure the bird and took the final sip of my drink before getting up and throwing it away.

The one day I attempt to make a friend and he walked out on me-hah, more like ran away. Was I really that terrible?

I grudgingly walked around and walked where my feet took me. I might as well look around my new home for the next couple of minutes, taking in the historic parts and the beautiful scenery. The rain had stopped and it was slightly cloudy.

I saw the toy shop as I rounded the corner, the one across the library; the one that I unfortunately ran into him. I saw the help wanted sign posted in the window and shrugged, knowing I needed a job I walked in.

The bell rang and I walked up to the front desk to see the same lady as last time-sleeping on the chair. I slightly poked her and she jumped in her chair and almost fell off.

"Um-I'm here about the job?" I asked, turning shy all of a sudden.

She nodded and gave me a form to fill out with a pen. After filling it out I gave it back to her and she smiled at me. "You've got the job."

I almost shrieked. "Really!?"

She laughed and gave me a hat that said 'Marlee's Shop' on it-saying that it was my uniform.

After swapping numbers for information on hours and wages I walked out of there already feeling better about the day.

I walked back to the library since my break was over. I went back to organizing the books by author in the back of the library only to come upon a book about royalty. I shrugged, since I'm in Britain I might as well will brush up on what's what in the monarchy these days.

I flipped to 'current' and looked at the royal family picture, a little boy and his parents stood in front of a satin back-drop. I read about how the queen was beautiful and loving and how the king was strong and held the monarchy together with an iron fist. And their son was named Archer Madison...wait? What?

I looked closely at the 10 year old boy to see the familiar pair of eyes from earlier staring straight back at me, the black hair almost styled the same way.

I blinked, trying to get rid of the image in my mind. There's no way that's him, why would he be in public-hiding in the back of a library-Ok, yay, he was definitely hiding.

How stupid am I?

I closed the book in a hurry and shoved it into a random slot in the bookshelf next to the shelf I was siting next to. How could someone so hot be so...royal?

Ugh, how could I be so...stupid?

"Hazel Blue! Get back to work!"

At the sound of my bosses voice I got up in a hurry in order to not get caught and I almost fell in a scramble to get to the cart. I fell and hit my head on the push cart as I ran into it, the cart rolling forward and hitting the bookshelf, only for all the books to come flying off and burying me in the process.


I raised my arm through the books and gave her a little wave, only for another hand to shoot in and swoop me onto my feet.

I looked into familiar blue eyes, but a different face. "Have I met you?"

"I'm Archers brother, nice to meet you Hazel."
(Starting up the questions!) 🤔Question: favorite tv show?—>

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