3 | do you remember my face of pure horror?

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Dear Charlie,

                Do you remember when I saw that rat in our basement last Christmas? And you probably remember my face of pure horror, well that was the face I made when I saw Archer's 'home'.

"Where are you bringing me?"

"My brother seems very fond of you, and I have no idea why." He said as he dragged me to the exit of the building in the back, completely ignoring my question.

I dug my heels into the ground and ripped my wrist out of his strong hold. "I only just met him!" I yelled.
"And who are you?"

He paused and gave me a look. "You don't know my name?" I nodded, my eyes wide at the stupid question. "My names Scott."

"Where are you bringing me?"

"My brother had a meeting and he told me to come and find you." He said as if I was stupid.

I flung my hands up into the air. "We only just met!" I reminded him, getting tired of this conversation.

"I know." He said dragging out each word as if I was stupid.

I glared at him as we sat down in a bench outside of the library across the street. I gave him a confused look as we sat there-for no reason whatsoever. We looked very stupid.

"What's your problem?" I asked.

"He said that if I brought you to our home, he would give me his old Xbox, and I want his Xbox. So your coming with me." He answered unwavering.

And that's when I realized, he was young-like very young. He looked to be 15-16 years old, but he acted very mature and was very tall. No wonder he was obeying to his brother's commands.

A sleek black car pulled up in front of where we where sitting and a man came out and opened up the back door for us to climb into. Scott pushed me in first and climbed in afterwards.


I swear to god, even when I thought it couldn't get any more awkward in the car, it got even more awko-taco when we arrived at their home, aka-a fucking palace! Jesus this thing was massive, how could someone need that many rooms in one lot.

God Damn.

The car entered the gates and I looked through the window like a kid through a candy shop window. It was magical, almost like my childhood dreams where coming true. The mansion came into view through the tall trees, the gardens in front making it look amazing.

We pulled to a stop in front of the house and Scott got our first before helping me out after him. What a gentleman.

"Archer is in the home, go ahead and walk in." He stated before going into the car without another word and left the round driveway that we had pulled up into to.

I scoffed at the exit and turned towards the house, admiring the windows and old-fashion style of the home.

It definitely had at least 50 bedrooms and I could t even begin to imagine how many toilets it could have. How many shits could you possibly make in this thing?

A guard opened the door in front of me and I gave him an awkward thumbs up for no reason as I walked in. The long corridor led to an open area with a spiral staircase being displayed next to amazing paintings. As I walked down I saw paintings of medieval looking people all the way up until a modern day-like person was shown at the end.

The closing of a door caught my attention and I swiveled on my heel to see Archers' tall figure walk out and close the golden decorated door behind him.

"Darn it, I was really hoping that I didn't have to give him my Xbox." Archer joker as he walked up to me.

I crossed my arms over my chest and rose my eyebrow. "What am I doing here?" I asked getting straight to the point.

He didn't answer my question but started to walk down another conjoining hallway. I ran as fast as my little legs could muster as I caught up with him.

"You should have seen my mother's face when she heard I left a girl at a coffee shop by herself. She was furious." He said while laughing at memory; as if reminiscing about a far off thought.

"Is that why I'm here?" I asked as clarification.

"No..." he started before I gave him a side ways glance and he instantly straightened up. "Well yes, that and the fact that you where fun to hang out with."

I almost blushed...almost.

"Really? Because I did most of the talking." I said recalling the awkward conversation that had only unfolded a couple of hours ago.

He chuckled and stopped in front of a door. Dang, that was long walk just to get to one side of his house. "Wanna see something cool?" He asked with a sly smile.

I vigorously nodded my head making my blonde curls fly everywhere in excitement. "Is that even a question?"

He opened a door that lead to yet another spiral staircase. He lead the way and I didn't overlook the fact that his bulky build was straining against his well-tailored suit. I drooled a little as we completed the trek down the stairs.

Quickly sucking the saliva back in I gave him a smile as he looked back and we walked towards another door a the end of the corridor. He opened the door and let me go in before him and I was stunned into a silent state.

In front of me was a room with three solid walls but the fourth was pure glass that stretched from the ceiling to the floor and from wall to wall. Through the glass you could see the lake behind the house and the sun was beginning to set behind the forest on the other side of the lake.

He came up and stood next to me in silence. "Beautiful." He said quietly, looking at me.

It took me while before I could form a sentence. "Yes, it's stunning." I said in a barely audible whisper while looking out at the view.

Dear Charlie (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now