Chapter 2

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Becky G as Chey!


Most of the time I spent with Sol. I hadn't even been in the apartment block for 24 hours and I was already sick of it. I was used to being outside, not cooped up for my own safety. James was also keeping a close eye on me after finding me outside the city. He didn't have to tell me but I knew he was mad.

I wasn't sure why exactly, he said I was free to leave if I wanted.

The way he looked at me, it made me feel safe but also slightly uneasy. I hadn't known him for a day yet. Personally I couldn't see anything happening to us. I knew I was probably overthinking things a bit, he probably just wanted the best for all his people.

People chatting all around muffled the sound of the door opening, signalling a new arrival. I didn't look up, but I saw hesitant boots walking down the aisle of bodies.

"May I sit here." I looked up to see a very attractive guy pointing to the spot next to me. In my lonely corner.

"Sure." I shrugged and scooted over a little bit so I wasn't hogging the space as much. He sat down next to me, lying his backpack and guns on the other side.

"Nice rifle. Where'd you get it?" He nodded his head at my gun lying on my right.

"Oh," I smiled sadly, "it was my dad's. He taught me to hunt before this." I looked down and stroked the brown outing of the gun. I looked over towards his kit and noticed his two glocks and an assault rifle poking out the top of his blue rucksack.

He wore a blue and black tartan shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his muscles evident through his shirt. A black gilet over the top and blue jeans paired with brown walking boots.

"What about you?" I asked before he had a chance to question. He pulled a handgun from his bag and held it in his hands.

"Rifles are good for long range, but when you have to get up close and personal, I find a small gun is better." He looked at me, his sea green eyes bore briefly into mine until I broke the eye contact.

"I've never shot a handgun before, just rifles." I smiled and looked up again, he was smiling back.

"Go big or go home eh? I'll teach you if you want? Tomorrow?" He asked hopefully. Wow this guy was forward, but something instantly connected me to him, I didn't know what, maybe his eyes, or the fact he was extremely attractive?

"Sure." I smiled.

"I'm Evan by the way." He held out his hand for me to shake. I connected out hands, his were soft and the warmth spread through me instantly.

"Chey." He smiled, and I smiled back. A full, pearly white smile. Maybe things were looking up.

Later that evening when they dished out food I couldn't help but notice James give Evan an evil stare. A pit of guilt formed in my stomach, even though I knew I'd done nothing wrong, I felt like I had caused this somehow.

"Gotta love veggie soup." Evan pulled a disgusted face at the steaming broth. I giggled at his reaction. He's changed out of his arriving attire and put on a long sleeve polo shirt which almost gave me heart palpitations by the way it hugged his broad shoulders and biceps.

"I mean, they don't have to feed us but they are." I shrugged and stuck my plastic spoon into the soup.

"I feel like we should play a game." Evan suddenly suggested out of nowhere.

"And what game is that, Evan?" I asked jokingly. I noticed him lick his lip slightly but soon it was gone, once again making my heart lurch.

"Well, we've known each other for a few hours but barely, why don't we play a question game?" He asked.

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