Chapter 13

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The bay window with no shutters allowed all the morning light to pour through on to us.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw the world outside turning from dawn to day.

My back was pressed against a hard surface, that surface was called Evan. His right arm lay under my head while his left was draped over my side, locking me in.

If only we could still be in the real world. He would be the perfect boyfriend.

He still could be, all you gotta do is ask.

Now isn't the time, brain.

I'm sure he'd say yes.

Yes I'm sure he would too, but we've got to concentrate on surviving first.

My mind can't help but wander to different thoughts. Would my parents like him? Would Jimmy like him? Would I like his folks?

"What you thinking about?" His husky voice sent shivers down my spine. I turned slightly to face him. His sea green eyes looked down at me and his brown hair was disheveled from the sleep.

"You know, you didn't really tell me a lot about your family. You said about your dad but what about your ma? Do you have any siblings?" He moved his arm up to brush my hair behind my ear. A simple gesture but it sent my heart in a frenzy.

"My father was an mechanic, as you know. My mother was a physiotherapist and had her own business. I had an older sister, Emily. She was beautiful, just like my mother. Brown hair like mine, but Emily had my dad's brown eyes, whereas I got my ma's. All 3 of them went down when we were trying to escape our hometown." He said sadly. I grabbed his hand which was stroking my hair and just held it in mine.

"I'm sorry Evan. All the best ones got taken. Maybe it was God's way of keeping their souls safe." As an atheist  I didn't believe in God, but sometimes I did wonder if there actually was one.

"I hope so Chey. They're in a better place now anyway." He kissed me on the forehead before pulling away and getting out of the bed. The warmth that I had was soon replaced by the cool morning air and I shivered slightly.

I got out too and pulled my boots and jacket on and then grabbing my pistol which was on the nightstand.

"We are low on water." I stated to Evan as I got outside the house and took a sip from half empty bottle.

"I know babe, we'll go find some today." He turned and smiled at me and then continued heating the beans over the fire. I dug out two cereal bars from my backpack and handed him one.

After breakfast we packed the rest of our belongings and carried on through the town. We stayed off the main road and walked through the fields behind the houses to avoid walkers.

"Would you rather, have no arms or no legs?" Evan choked a bit before laughing.

"Where the hell did that question come from?" He laughed and I shrugged, smiling too.

"Well, I suppose now, I'd rather have legs so I could still run away from the walkers, but if it was before the shit, I'd probably say no legs." He looked down at me with a smile.

"Would you rather, and I think I already know the answer, give up me and keep Sol, or keep me and give up Sol?" He asked with a mischievous smile.

I stopped and looked at him, hurt evident on my face.

"Evan how could you ask me to make that choice? I love Sol so much, she's my one thing left of my family, and you, I couldn't lose you, not after what we've been through together." I stopped and looked at him. His face turned to regret as if he was going to say something but I carried on, moving closer towards him.

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