Chapter 16

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Evan's P.O.V

The memory was a fond one of mine, even though it was a very unfortunate and heartbreaking one.

One thing I was scared about was people like these. The ones that could finally hurt people and get away with it seeing as there was no law enforcement anywhere.

"I'm gonna ask you one more time boy, who are you, and how did you find us?" The big, burly man stood in front of me. His knuckles were bloodied, and my face was bloodied and numb. Dried blood crusted round my nose and the taste of iron was permanently present in my mouth.

"I've told you. My name is Evan, and I just stumbled upon this warehouse. I got curious and came inside and killed your friend when he was hurting the girl." I explained, again.

The guy obviously didn't like my answer as next to follow was another blow to my head. My face snapped to the side as his fist collided with my cheek. I sucked in a harsh breath and spat the blood out which had accumulated in my mouth again.

"The prisoners have escaped!" One man shouted from the other side of the wall. The big man looked at me in disgust.

"No we're all going to be in shit with Joe because you couldn't keep your nose out of our business." He snarled and left the room, the door slamming behind him.

I sighed and looked around for a way out of the binds, but the room was pretty empty.

The door opened again, expecting to see one of the guys, but it was Chey.

"What have they done to you?" She asked and ran over, cradling my face. Her touch was all I needed to calm down.

"I'm fine. Did you find Marion?" I asked and she shook her head.

"No, but we gotta go." She picked out her knife and cut the ropes holding me.

The door swung open again, the big guy from before looking very angry. He came storming up to me, fury raging through him.

"I'm gonna kill you!" He yelled. Chey quickly pulled out her gun and shot the man through the head. His body fell flat on the floor in front of my feet.

"Shit, they would've heard that." She finished cutting the ropes and handed me a hand gun.

Two more men came through the door and we shot one each. The shots echoing throughout the warehouse.

We ran out the door and through the rows of shelves, shouting could be heard behind us. We were almost at the front door when I was tackled from the back.

Chey turned quickly to shoot the attacker but was lifted off the ground by another man.

"Where are you going pretty lil thing?" The man holding her asked. She could just reach her knife through his iron grip and plunged it deep into his thigh. He howled in pain and set her down, punching her so hard it made her unconscious.

"Don't you touch her!" I yelled but it was no use. The guy above me had my arms behind my back, one leg pinning my legs down and the other one at the base of my neck. I was going nowhere.

"We're keeping this  one, she's a fighter. Joe will like her." He picked Chey's unconscious body up and started walking away. He stopped and looked at me over his shoulder.

"Dispose of him." And my vision went black.


Chey's P.O.V

I gasped for breath as cold water engulfed my body.

"Good, she's awake." One man said and put down the bucket.

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