Chapter 14

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The man had told Evan where the main 'base' was. It was a warehouse a few miles from here, about a 3 hour walk.

"So what else did he say?" I asked Evan as we started walking towards the warehouse.

"That they are bad people and he only realised that as he was dying." He shifted uncomfortably.

"And?" I felt like there was a lot he wasn't telling me.

"And they get rewarded for delivering 'soldiers'." He used air quotes.

"That girl didn't look like a soldier. She was skinnier than a streak of bacon." I thought back to the poor girl who had no chance in standing up against those men dragging her along, there was no muscle to her at all.

"Look Chey, I really think you shouldn't come along. We don't know what we're dealing with here and I couldn't bear it if they hurt you." Evan stopped and looked at me. I could see the pain and uncertainty in his eyes. He was really worried.

"And I'm not leaving you. We're a damn good team and if these guys deserve to be killed, I can do that. The way I see it, its us or them, and I rather it be them." I argued back. I had no idea where this anger was coming from, but I was passionate to protect Evan, he meant more than he knew.

"What are you talking about Chey, you're not a murderer." Evan grabbed my arm, pulling me to face him. His body had tensed again, something that happened when he was angry or unsure; his own defence mechanism.

"No I'm not, but I will protect myself and you, that's all I'm saying." He looked down at me, still unsure on my answer.

"So you wouldn't kill someone to protect me?" I asked when he didn't answer me.


"But you had no issue when I sliced Peter up did you?" I crossed my arms and sternly looked at him.

"No, and I'm glad you did that. And yes, I would kill for you, if that's what I had to do to protect you Chey. As I've said before, you're all I've got left, and I don't want to lose you." He uncrossed my arms and pulled me forward. I sighed and embraced the hug. I couldn't stay mad at him.

"I'm sorry, I know, but you're not leaving me behind." I looked up and kissed his chin.

"You're too feisty for your own good. I love it." He smiled and agreed I could tag along.

Dusk was soon approaching, we decided checking out the warehouse at night would be a good idea.

I untacked Sol and left her to roam, leaving her saddle and bridle under a big oak tree, at least the leather would be protected from the rain this way.

My heart lurched in my chest at a certain thought, that I may never see her again for whatever reason. I shook my head, we'd always reunite.

"Bye princess." I kissed her soft muzzle goodbye. She nickered before trotting off into the trees.

"You ok?" Evan's hand found its way to my lower back as I watched Sol go.

His touch sent tingles up my spine, I always felt safe with him near, no matter how many close calls we encountered.

"Yeah, let's do this."


As far as we could tell there was one man standing outside on guard duty. He had a flashlight and occasionally scanned the area.

"So I can throw a rock over in the distance and hopefully that gets him away from the door then it's a quick knockout and drag him into the forest." Evan explained. I nodded as we went through the plan.

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