Chapter 17

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The blade of the knife gleamed brightly under the light which illuminated the office. Joe leant back on the office chair, a creaking sound accompanying the movement.

"Is Garry done with that bitch yet? Must be my turn soon." One of Joe's men, Sean, said in frustration.

"You'll wait your turn boy, like all of us." Joe pointed the knife at Sean, who submitted with a lowering of his head.

"Dante, check on Garry will you, and if he will, join in." Joe chuckled and Dante smiled.

Sean stood up suddenly, his chair flying to the back of the room from force.

"He's already had a go! When's my time? Man's gotta get some too y'know! I ain't had a real girl since this shit went down!" Sean was getting ever so flustered, yet Joe found it amusing.

"Sean, my boy. Theres a pick of lads here which will be just as useful." Joe laughed loudly and Dante joined in. Sean looked disgusted.

"Fuck off Joe. I ain't not faggot like you." Sean's distant irish accent held a menacing tone to it. He was new to the gang, but it was better than being out in the shit. He was mid 30s with dark copper coloured hair and a brown beard covered in dirt and grime, in fact, his whole being was covered in dirt and grime.

"Excuse me boy?" Joe suddenly turned serious and stood up, face to face with Sean.

"I said, I ain't no faggot like you, boyo." To ice the cake, Sean spat in Joe's face.

"Now that wasn't very nice and you broke the rules. You know what happens when you break the rules." Joe pointed his finger.

"Tony, Len, show him what we mean." The two men stood up and cornered Sean who started to look fearful. The beating started, and Dante went to check on Garry.

"Gaza, you alright man?" Dante knocked on the wooden door. He heard shuffling from inside but no answer. He tried the doorknob and opened the door to investigate. If that bitch had hurt Garry, she wouldn't look forward to the next beating Dante would give.

Chey stood behind the open door with a plank of wood she'd managed to break off the floor. It was sharp and jagged, the splinters cutting into her hand, but she didn't think of that in the moment.

When Dante's head popped round the corner she flung the wood at him as hard as she could, enough to knock him out.

Dragging his body through the door, she shut it and wedged the plank of wood under the handle so no one from the outside could open it. She quickly hogtied the man before he woke up, binding his wrists to his ankles and waited. She ripped a chunk of his shirt off and used it to gag him, she didn't need him making unnecessary noise.

A short few minutes later Dante stirred, his head pounding from the blow.

"So you like hitting little girls do you?" Chey asked as she stood in front of Dante's face. He looked up with a sneer.

"Well its lucky for you, I'm feeling energetic and vengeful, so I'm going give you some payback." With a sinister smile she started cutting away Dante's shirt, leaving his back exposed as he had done to her.

"The knife will give a clean cut, but it won't hurt that much, especially with that much meat on you. The belt, will do a nasty job, but I think my favourite is blunt trauma." Chey smiled and wrenched up another loose floorboard.

Dante's eyes widened as he watched her stalk over. He tried to speak and wriggle, but neither one worked.

Chey brought down the wood hard on his back. He screamed into the cloth for it's all he could do.

Relentlessly she repeated this process until his back was bruised and bloody.

"I feel like the belt next, it should leave a nice touch." She took off her own belt which had a heavy metal clasp at the end. Not bothering to fold it, she whipped the clasp end straight into his back, the hook digging into his skin and tearing out as she reeled it back in.

Again, more times until his back was unrecognisable through the blood and thick read bruises quickly forming.

"I've got something else that would be a nice touch." She said and rolled Dante onto his back. She looked at his face and saw the absolute fear and pain he must be feeling as the grit from the dirty floor rubbed itself into his wounds. 

She almost stopped, this wasn't her. What was she doing? She was no better than them if she carried on like this. But her own back still hurting reminded her of how she felt, how helpless she was tied up like an animal ready for butchering, how she couldn't defend herself and all she could do was cry.

She pushed the thoughts away and came down close to his chest.

He wriggled and tried to free himself but it wasn't working, she had bound him too tightly.

"What about I'm Chey's bitch?" She taunted by putting the tip of the knife on his chest, just enough to watch it draw blood.

"Or I beat little girls?" She pondered upon the thought before deciding to carve both of them into his flesh.

Dante's screams were muffled by the cloth and Chey had to block it out.

"If you tell me where they have taken Evan I will stop." She asked and Dante stayed quiet. She carried on and he screamed.

"Or Marion? I know she's here. Blonde hair, has a stab wound." She paused again waiting for Dante's response. When he didn't comply she continued with her carving.

"Wait." Dante tried to say through the cloth. Chey understood and pulled the rag out of his mouth.

"Evan is dead. The boys took him out to dispose of him. He weren't gonna be any use." The knife dug deeper in his skin as Chey got angrier.

"And Marion?" She asked through clenched teeth.

"In one of the back rooms." He said. Chey smiled and replaced his gag.

"Thanks Dante." And she carried on carving away.

He eventually passed out from blood loss and pain. Chey finished up her artwork and decided to head out to find Marion.

She took the guns from Dante and the other guy and exited the room. She noticed the other man started to stir, confused, she was sure he was dead.

His body was reanimating, he looked ghostly pale with red eyes. He groaned and snapped his teeth at Dante's unconscious body. Chey shrugged, ones man's trash is another man's treasure and all.

She decided to leave the walker to it, Dante didn't deserve to be graced with death, he could come back as one of them things with those words carved in to him.

Slipping out the room she heard commotion going on down the hallway. Ignoring it she looked into every room she passed before she found Marion laying in bed.

"Hey Marion, remember me?" Chey whispered as she sat on the bed. Marion stirred and sat up slightly, wincing as she did.

"Chey? Oh god you've got to get out of here." She croaked out and started coughing.

"I came to get you, we came to get you. I think the bastards killed Evan." Her heart stung at those words. It couldn't be true, she didn't believe it.

"Chey, I'm wounded, I need medical attention, by a doctor or I won't make it. All I can do now is wait." Marion sniffled as she lay back down. Chey lay a reassuring hand on her head and noted how hot she was.

"Don't give up! We can make it out of here, we can find you a doctor, you will live. I've let myself and Evan down already, I failed to protect him. I'm not going to let Juan down too, it was his last wish for us to save you. Aren't you gonna fight for yourself, if not, for Juan?" Chey asked with regret, tears brimming her eyes.

"Kill that bastard Joe and all his men. They deserve it." She coughed again before closing her eyes. She looked tired.

"I will. But I'm getting you out first." Chey said and helped Marion up. She winced at the pain but allowed Chey to help. She didn't want to die, not really. Every step was painful but she pushed through.

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