Chapter 15

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Evan's P.O.V

"Hey son, pass me the spanner please." My dad slid out from the bottom of the car.

I handed him the spanner and watched as he went back under.

"Is there anything else I can do to help?" I loved working with my dad, he taught me everything as he did it, and explained it thoroughly, he didn't just do it himself with me watching.

"Actually yeah, can you pop the hood for me please and put some motor oil in." He said and I did as asked. The hood popped and I propped it open with the lever. I grabbed the motor oil from the shelf and poured it into the port.

"Ah! Perfect." My dad slid out from underneath the car again.

"All fixed?" I asked with a smile and he nodded.

"All fixed. Good job son." He patted my head with his greasy hands, but I didn't mind.

"Nigel, there's someone here to see you." Our receptionist, Karen came through the door.

Together we walked through the door to the foyer and saw two men, dressed in suits. They looked wealthy.

"Name's Nigel, this is my son Evan, how may I help you?" He asked and wiped his hand with a rag before offering to shake the man's hand.

"I'm Tony, and this is my brother Charlie. I've got a few cars that need fixing up, and I've heard Walker's Motors are the best about." Tony said as he examined the foyer.

"Well, I don't know about the best..." my dad started before I butted in.

"You'd be correct, we are the best in businesses. You need it fixing, we'll get it done." Tony looked at me and chuckled.

"I like you boy. Tell you what, if you can fix my cars I'll cut you in at 25% of what we make on the cars." He stated. My dad looked at me with a thought of interest.

"One of the cars is worth $1 million." Tony said. My dads interest turned to shock.

"I'm sorry, what car is this?" My dad sputtered out.

"A Bugatti Chiron. It needs a few modifications adding but when we sell it, it might even make more than a million." Tony explained. My dad turned to me with a smile on his face.

"Well gentlemen, I think we have a deal." They shook hands.

A few hours later I still couldn't believe it. We'd effectively just made $250 thousand.

"I'm going to pick Emily up." It was about 4pm and my sister needed picking up from work.

"Hey Ev." She greeted and got in the car. I was ready to pull off when something suspicious caught my eye.

"What's happening over there?" I pointed through the window to where a woman was walking away from a man. He had his arms outstretched towards her. She pulled out some pepper spray, threatening to use it.

"Does she need help?" Emily asked. I looked back and saw the man jump on the lady, dragging her to the floor.

Em and I got out the car and ran over to her, along with other bystanders.

Outlast (1) - The Walking DeadHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin