Chapter 8

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"Evan!" Peter forced the gate open, the bodies on the other side scrunching into a pile.

"Any sign?" He asked, referring to Chey. I looked down at a pile of guts that obviously, to me, weren't Chey's.

"That's all." Faking sadness and grief. I didn't miss the smirk Natalie had before she wiped it off her stupid face.

"Sorry to hear that son, accidents happen." Peter said and patted my shoulder.

"Yeah..." Taking one last glance at the organs I followed them back into the building with Natalie skipping alongside me.

"It's a shame about Chey. I tried to help but there was no use." She sniffled while pouting. Lies.

When I didn't answer she spoke again. "So were you two like, a thing?" She spat it out as if the phrase was poison.

Faking a bitter laugh, "no, we were just friends." Truth. But I want so much more. "I had no romantic feels for Chey." Lies.

Natalie smiled at me, her teeth gleaming white. "That's good." Without warning she hooked her arm around my neck and locked her lips with mine. It took a minute to recover from shock, she was attacking me like her life depended on it. I pulled away and pushed her back gently.

"Oh sorry Natalie, I'm gay." Lies. But hopefully that would stop her bothering me.

"W-what?" She stuttered, eyes wide with shock and cheeks tinged pink with embarrassment. I stifled a laugh.

"You're pretty, but I like guys." I shrugged playing it cool. Her cheeks reddened even further. She suddenly slapped me pathetically on the chest and ran into the building.

The sun was beginning to set, an orange and pink glow cast over the horizon. It reminded me of the times Chey and I would sit in front of the fire, by that little house and just watch the sun set and wait for the stars to come out. She would sit with her arm linked with mine, her head on my shoulder and tell me about the constellations. But they weren't as beautiful as her.

I rubbed my face, refocusing and I went straight to my sleeping bag once I got in and fell asleep, setting my alarm for 11pm so I had some time to get Chey's stuff together and meet her.

Today had been long, hard and very hectic.


Shouting awoke me from my sleep. I looked at my watch, it was 10 to 11. Switching my alarm off so it wouldn't disturb anyone. I listened to the muffled voices which must be coming from the foyer.

"... P-please. My family is hungry. We cannot live on beans by themselves." A woman's muffled cry sounded.

"I am the leader and I make the rules! We do not have an endless supply of food so you get what you're given! I'm sure we made this clear last time." Peter. His voice was very distinct, it was deep and husky, probably from all those drugs he openly told me about.

"Y-yes you did but-" a sharp slap and a thud. The woman started sobbing. I got up from my sleeping bag, gun in hand and made my way to the voices, making sure to be unseen. Crouching behind a corner I could see Peter towering over the woman.

"Don't talk back to me. I took you in so you will obey my rules." He stated calmly. I could see in his posture how tense he was, his fists clenched.

"Don't hurt mommy!" A little kid, about five years old came running around the corner.

Peter pulled out his gun quickly and shot the child as he ran. The mother started wailing and heart wrenching screams shook her body before a bullet stopped her too.

Outlast (1) - The Walking DeadМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя