Chapter 7

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Evan's P.O.V

Peter told me to follow him so that's what I did.

"We've been having trouble with this group since it all started. Guess they saw their chance now they're taking it." Peter went into the main building and opened a crate. He chucked my guns at me and got his own.

"Taking their chance for what?" I asked and followed him out the front.

"Not gonna lie to you boy, I was a high end drug sales man, these men thought they could rob from me so I got my revenge. Taught them a lesson that no one can think it's right to rob from me. Now they're back and full of hatred." He explained.

He crouched down behind an old bench that was sat just outside the building. I slid down next to him and watched the gunfire outside.

My mind wandered to Chey, was she doing okay in that cage by herself? I hoped Natalie wasn't trying to kill her, I saw the way she looked at Chey with jealousy, but for what?

"Cmon kid, get shooting." Peter yelled at me over the gunfire. I swallowed and looked over road. Black trucks had pulled up and men wearing bandannas were taking cover behind abandoned cars.

I aimed my rifle at a walker which had been attracted to the noise and was making its way over here. Pulling the trigger the walker fell dead.

Peter moved forward behind a car but I stayed where I was. My gut was telling me this was wrong, I shouldn't be fighting another man's war.

Chey. She was the only one I would fight for. I felt responsible, we hadn't known each other long but I felt we had bonded more than anyone else I'd ever been friends with.

She was so strong, even if she didn't believe it. To have lost everything and more, and to still give like she does. The way she smiles, how her eyes light up when looking into the stars, how her hair falls perfectly.

Shit Evan, what are you thinking.

I shook my head and looked back towards the road. There were a few walkers left which I took down before all the shooting stopped.

Peter looked back at me and signalled with his hand for me to come down. I didn't miss his facial expression, he was angry but trying to conceal it. Hesitantly, I wandered down the steps to where everyone was stood in a circle.

I pushed in and saw Jones with his foot on one of the other guys.

"Look 'ere Peter! We got the leader of them sumbitches'!" The man on the floor was groaning in pain, blood leaking out of his shoulder.

"Cole Jackson. Heh, didn't think I'd see you again." Peter bent down next to the man.

"Fuck you Peter!" The guy managed to land a spit ball on Peter's forehead from his angle.

Peter sighed and wiped the spit off.

"That wasn't very nice." He seethed and pulled a knife out. He dug the point into the guys shoulder making him cry out in pain. He smiled as 'Cole' screamed, begging for him to stop.

"Alright." Peter stood up looking at me. He pulled out a gun quickly and shot the guy, never taking his eyes off me. I flinched as the bullet sounded and Cole groaned again.

"Looks like our boy Evan here needs toughening up. Why don't you finish him?" Peter asked and held out the gun for me to take. His eye twitched, like when someone is extremely angry but hiding it.


"Good. Here." Peter narrowed his eyes as he all but threw the gun at me. I took a deep breath and slowly aimed it at the guys head. His eyes were scrunched up in pain, holding his leg which Peter previously shot.

This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong.

"Peter!" I looked up, sighing in relief for the distraction. Peter snatched the gun from me, glaring my way before turning around to face Natalie.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"The door to the roamers, it came off while Chey was still inside." She panted.

My heart skipped a beat. Chey was in danger, I had to get her.

"What do you mean the door fell off Natalie." Peter rubbed his eyes as if he was tired of this girl. Creases formed on his forehead as he frowned and running a hand over his brown cropped hair.

"We were still training, the roamers got too strong and pushed the door off its hinges. I tried to get her out, but they surrounded her too quickly." Natalie began to cry.

"I have to go." I mumbled and made my way past Natalie. She put an arm out to stop me.

"There's nothing left. She's gone." She continued crying and all but threw herself on to me. I pushed her back and looked over to Peter.

"I'm going to look. I have to know." Peter nodded and took Natalie away.

"You're wasting your time! She's gone!" Natalie cried after me with a hint of urgency.

I ignored her and continued to walk my way to the cage.

The diamond fencing came into view. The table which had all the weapons laid out on it was on the ground, knives and such scattered everywhere.

The gate into the cage was barricade shut by a pile of walker bodies. I managed to open it enough to squeeze through.

Blood puddles stained the concrete floor and red footsteps led everywhere, it was hard to tell which ones were Chey's and which were walkers.

I called out her name a few times but with no answer I kept looking. My heart beginning to pound with every passing second, the worst scenarios forming in my head.

The room where they held the walkers was just in front of me. I could see the door lying on the ground with screws scattered on the floor next to it. I picked one up, it was still straight and in good condition. The holes in the wall where they came out were clean too, if the walkers had ripped the door off the wall, I expected to see some chipped wood, breaks, bent screws and such.

Pulling a flashlight out of my pocket I entered the room. It was around the same size as a garden shed but completely black.

"Chey?" I called again. The beam of the torch landed on a figure crouched in the corner with its back to me. I got closer and realised it was a walker feasting upon its fallen friends.

I was about to end it when a knife out of nowhere planted itself in the back of the walkers skull. In the daylight stood Chey. She was matted head to toe in blood, her usual silky black hair was tied in a messy pony tail making her look older, more mature. She tried to stop her hands shaking but failed.

"Are you okay?" I quickly ran over, pulling her into me. Her shivering got less and breathing slowed down as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I-I thought I was going to die. She unscrewed the door and there were so many, just coming at me. All at once. Natalie just stood there, smiling, and left me alone."

We stood like that for a while, just calming each other. Why would Natalie try to kill Chey? We certainly couldn't stay here now.

"Look lets get you cleaned up then we can think of a plan." I told her. She nodded but didn't move away from me.

Voices in the distance. I tensed and instinctively gripped Chey tighter.

"If Natalie tried to kill you and thinks you're dead you need to hide." I said lowly as the voices increased in volume.

"I'll pretend like I haven't seen you, tonight I'll get your stuff and sneak out, meet me out here at midnight." She looked at me, she was frightened I could tell. A shimmer of water laced her eyes, a stray tear trickling down her cheek. Without thinking, I placed a quick kiss on her forehead and pushed her in the direction of the fence. She climbed over it easily and ran off into the distance just before Peter and his men followed, unfortunately with Natalie in tow.

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