Escape the Prison

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I was leaning my back on one of the sign poles smoking.While Max stood next to David.They were talking about something but I didn't really pay attention.Let's just say I also had my phone with me.So I just had to find some cute Nalu pictures.And lets also say I have a weakness for anime and Nightcore. which I am listening to through my earbuds.

 Oh wait what David just got run over by the bus wow thats funny.I'm fucking laughing so hard I can't breathe.Once the QM got off the bus me and Max scrambled to get on there.But because i'm a short potato,I let Max drive, wait I've made worse like my choice of life.

"Stupid short legs"I heard Max mutter to himself,well both of us.We apparently hit David again.Which makes me wonder,Is he cursed to always get hit by cars and buses?Oh no that QM better get his hook off me.I looked around and noticed that there were three new kids.

One had teal hair,pink eyes,a yellow shirt,red overalls,teal shoes,a band aid on one cheek and a scratch on the other.Another had brown hair,purplish-blue eyes,a yellow turtleneck,reddish pants,and white shoes,The last had Chocolate brown hair,dark brown eyes,an orange shirt,tan shorts,black combat boots,and a mechanical arm.She was also Latino looking.(Yes I put myself in this well my favorite OC) 

"Hi" the Latino girl waved towards me.I don't really like talking to people unless their cool so I just ignored her.

Time skip


"check out the balls on he new kid"Max said nudging me

"Where?"Nikki yelled looking down.Lucy on the other hand burst out laughing while I face palmed.laughing

Time skip I just wanted to do that part 

David and Gwen tripped on each other,I was out of breath already,damn cigarettes,Max was tugging on my arm hard to get us in the bus. And when we finally all got on the bus we drove away quickly.Nikki I gotta say is a terrible driver so we only went about seven miles away from camp and crashed  

Another time skip oh hi Lucy how's life

"I'm getting tired of having to come up here David"The police said giving David a ticket

"I know Sal"David sighed

"Damn we were so close"Me and Max said in unison

"Well in hindsight none of us really know how to drive"Neil responded

"Yeah Max,Y/n how far were you expecting to make it"Gwen questioned us

"To be honest I just really always wanted to drive a bus."Nikki chirped (wow Nikki just wow)When the hell will you shut the fuck up.(Nevah)And don't talk like that.

"Well kids I hope we all learned something today"David started

"No David I hope YOU learned something,I hope you learned that before today you only had  two little bastards to deal with Now,you have four"Max corrected"C'mon guys i'll show you to our tent

Hey! I't Lucky So Lucy is an OC I use a lot and she plays a few fun roles in this .Although she's not a part of your squad she plays out a lot in this.And yes I'm still making her a daughter of Hephaestus as well as Leo's little sis.She also got signed up for Adventure camp because she's on a quest to find a  demigod  on the grounds.I wonder who the half-blood is.Have a nice day/night.Bye ma satans

Ha Det,


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