Another School Project:Flame

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I'm sorry,I'm trying to update but life is unfair.I know this is late but Merry Christmas and Happy New Years.See ya later Satans

                                                     Ha det


 One day,in a clearing in a huge forest full of spruce trees and plants of many shades of color.Gaia,felt tired of doing all the work alone.She decided that today,she was going to make helpers to make her job at least a little bit easier.

Pearl,was first to be created,she was beautiful but calm looking.She spent most of her time alone or near the shoreline.Pearl also cared deeply for the others giving gifts of the sea.

Breeze was second.She was not as pretty but she looked nice.If you were to find her it would most likely be in the skies above watching and waving getting most of her information from the winds normally being quite lazy to herself.

Third was Flower,she was talkative and sweet,mostly speaking with the animals.But she was very respectful towards her sisters.Flower would also be the most childish at times.

And last leaves us Flame,she is barely as pretty as her sisters,at least in her opinion.She isn't very nice either.It doesn't really help that she has anger issues.Most of the time she will be near a volcano or with a phoenix.

Almost every day Flame would get mad and start to pick a fight with Flower. (whom was a horrible fighter).Leaving Pearl to stop this since Breeze was to lazy to help.Not to long ago Gaia,had spoken to them about something called an "elemental power"that will show itself when the time is right.

The first to earn this was Breeze whom was a fast learner.Wherever she ran/walked the wind would blow hardest almost making trees fall over.By about the end of the day The winds told of her fortune.

Pearl was second to earn this "fantasy"(which was more of a responsibility)the water current was higher than usual as well as being the rare full moon.Pearl like every night sat on the shore playing with the water before being told her new job.

Flower was third like always talking with the animals like always.Just barely noticing the flowers springing from the earth in full bloom.It was only 11:30 when she discovered her new fate.

Flame was losing hope of ever finding her Elemental power.She was on the peak of a volcano,with its fiery red magma popping every now and then.She was getting angrier as she kept thinking about it.Almost screaming.

As she watched for her "amazing" sisters out of boredom she spotted Flower whom was talking with the animals.Flame was so mad about her sister's happiness you could probably see fire surrounding her like those anime girls.

So Flame stomps right over and smacks a bunny right out of her hands.

"What was that for?"Flower asked for the bunny's safety.

"For being happy all the time."Flame snapped

"What does being happy have to do with hurting a poor little bunny?"Flower asked still concerned for the bunny

Flame slapped Flower right across the face.but before her hand hit Flower's cheek a ball of orange light popped up and left a small black mark.but did no damage whatsoever.But as the fight moved on the fire had been reprogrammed to start hurting little by little until it had been told it could go as far as killing a regular mortal.

Soon Pearl and Breeze came by to stop the fight.Pearl healing them with water and Breeze drying them off.

At last Flame had accidentally shot fire at a deer and hurt it badly.After that Flame had learned that what she holds is harmful.

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