I Graduated (mostly me fangirling over my accomplishments)

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Well, I graduated Elementry but hey, that still counts. Anyways the last few days were crazy. At graduation, I made a great speech walked down the "isle" with my BFF's ex and well cried. A lot.

And then yesterday was the last day. This kindergartener I hang out with every week told me "I'm sad I'll never see you again." which caused me to cry again.

Then my math teacher had us play a game where you have to go to the opposite gender and say "Honey if you love me smile."So I put a rose in my mouth, borrowed my friend's ring and took my jacket off one shoulder. Everyone screamed at that. Then I slid towards my crush holding up a ring. Everyone else screamed again. My math teacher was fanning himself and some classmates told me that was the first time they saw Nathan (my crush) even smile.

Afterschool right before Nathan went into his car we hugged each other (for like the third time) and I finally kissed him on the cheek.asdfghjkl, I still can't believe I did that.

Anyways what did you guys accomplish this year?


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