School Project:Mute

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   Okay guys I'm bored and don't want to type so i'll post something that I had to write for school.thank you so much hope to see ya next week or it will be another school project.Ha det my little satans                 -Lucky

Amaiya has always had the disorder of being mute. Although for the most part it hasn't been a bad thing ,she believes it is. Ever since Amaiya could remember kids her age would always pick on her for her disorder. Always saying "Oh look it's Amaiya the mute"or "she's only not talking for the attention" It drove her crazy crying at random times.Soon being the "mute crybaby" as everyone would call her.

Even Caleb,Amaiya's little brother couldn't make her fully happy,no matter how funny he would act.But unlike Amaiya, Caleb could talk.His high-pitched six year old voice was adorable though.It matched his caramel colored hair and bright blue-gray eyes.

Today,was the start of school like every year.So Amaiya brushed her raven black hair and put a purple cat ears headband on along with a white sweater,purple skirt,white knee high socks and black flats.Walking out the door with a galaxy backpack slung over her back and clutching her small white-board and favorite color markers.

The bus ride was loud,with screaming kids throwing paper airplanes at others laughing,playing and not noticing the ravenette that just joined them.

Unluckily,homeroom was a disaster when Amaiya tried to introduce herself,some blonde kid teased her for having to write everything.making her start to tear up having a frog start to form.

In second period nobody paid any attention to her thankfully. Everyone had to write some kind of short-story so it was quiet.

Third period was math.When the teacher tried to get Amaiya to answer some questions,he noticed the board on her desk and continued on to another student.

Next was lunch,which no one really went to but a few students .And after finally finding her way through the winding hallways full of nothing but students and classrooms she grabbed a lunch also juggling with the board and pens she already carried and took a seat by absolutely nobody.

Not too long after a latino girl with black messy hair put in a ponytail, and warm brown eyes, whom was wearing an orange hoodie jeans, and red converse came over to talk

"Hi,I'm Lucy!!"she introduced finally looking on the table to see markers and a board littering the whole table."And I take it as you don't talk."The girl only nodded in response.reaching over to grab her board and her favorite marker.

"I'm Amaiya"she wrote before quickly erasing it.

"Y'know you're lucky you're mute"Lucy stated

"Why am I lucky?"Amaiya wrote tilting her head to the side like a confused kitten.

"Well for starters you can get away with a lot,you don't have to really answer the questions without actually writing the answer.You can be easily popular for being mute.And you don't have to explain projects"Lucy ranted continuing with"when you have a voice people expect to hear it.Teachers constantly call on you,during a performance you scream your lungs out and you're constantly wasting your voice like I am right now."

"Wow................."was all Amaiya wrote before adding"Maybe being mute isn't so bad"

wow that was long to copy and paste lol ha det satans

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