We the Cool Katz *wears awesome dub step glasses*

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Me, Max,Nikki,and Neil were on the floor scrubbing the floors like pirates but with toothbrushes.I.Fucking.Hate.This.Shitty.Place.I could see some dirt on my f/c tips/highlights since its the only part of my hair that I notice dirt in.

"This sucks!This is the kind o peasant work our parents left their home country to avoid"Max complained

"yeah I don't get the point"Nikki agreed"what good is rolling around on the floor if its already clean?"

"This isn't even part of a sanctioned camp activity"Neil being the fucking nerd he is said

"This is shitty child labor they never made me do this shit in bording school" *thats another way they get me away from them ever since It happened*Neil stopped and looked at me

"You went to boarding school?"He asked I hummed in response signaling I don't want to talk about it.I only went to a stupid boarding school because of what happened.I looked over at Max and sighed continuing to work . Erid walked over leaning on a wall.Sure she looks like Barbie but she's cool I mean she's the one who got me into smoking and shit.We originally met online and then we met in real life.

"Man,Erid's so cool she never gets in trouble for not working"Nikki said with stars in her eyes

"You mean like a dry desert climate?"Neil asked

"I think her real name is Meredith but she's so fricken cool she goes  by he middle part of her name........maybe I should do that,OOOOhhhhh ick"

"Aren't you a first part nicknamer because your name is Nikkolette ?"I asked out of curiosity"So it would actually be kol"

Max said something and Nikki looked like she gave some sass away.

"Even cool kids take giant uncomfortable shits from time to time helps you remind us we're all equal."Max concluded

"Hey,you chillin shut your yammering and start workin"QM shouted at us.Honestly I would beat his ass at that moment but I don't really want to get in trouble because if I did David would give us a long ass lecture about respecting our elders.(which you really should)Lucky shut the hell up

"if we were in charge it would be so much better"Neil complained"no scrubbing ,no outdoors"

"more wifi"I continued

"No David"

"you know what we should just revolt"Neil thought aloud

"you know what!you're right!"Max said standing up"Aren't you sick of this lowly work?"

-Time skip brought to you by Harrison making a banana float-(did anyone else notice that?)

"Alright freemen"Max started"Now that the evolution is complete its time to choose our new leader,Obviously I will happily ta-"

"I VOTE ERID!"Nikki shouted.Okay I actually like where this is going because this place will be ran by a teenager rather than a ten year old.So I raised my hand and said "Me too sorry not sorry bro"

"YEAH"everyone yelled but Max and Neil

"Whoa whoa whoa hold the hell up!Do you nerds forget who revolutionized this place."Max defended himself"I should be leading you not Extreme sports Barbie over here" 

"But Erid's charisma modifier is like +10"Nerris said

"Thanks Nerris that's pretty cool of you to say"

"I WANNA BE COOL TOO ERID"Nikki screamed

Tom fucking skip

"What the hell is wrong with you traitors"Max grabbed Nikki and my wrists 

"Sorry you told me to go talk to her and I panicked"Nikki apologized Max turned to me for my answer

"Bro seriously your 10 and Erid is like 13 of course I'm gonna vote for Erid"I said pulling my arm out of his grip.  

"You'll regret this"Max warned

Another tom skip brought to you by Mr. Honey Nuts

Max's words stuck in my head "You'll regret this"and at the least expected moment a vision appeared in my head.It was about three years ago when it happened.I had just heard screaming coming from my brother's room.In that instant I felt my heart beating faster,I had dropped everything and ran to his room to find my drunk mom beating Max.Being only a nine year old I tried to pull my mother or who I SHOULD call that word off of him.But in return I had to go through the pain myself.Max being  traumatized a child didn't do anything.He couldn't. I could feel a lot of pain in those moments.I was screaming,crying,and felt nothing but pain.That woman punched my hard and scratched me a couple of times.I still have a few scars from it.(wow thats some deep shit)

When the vision blurred away I was in my tent.sitting on the ground.I grabbed my hoodie,pulled out the pocket knife and slashed my skin a few times.I then grabbed a few bandages David gave us in the beginning of summer and wrapped my arm to prevent any more red liquid from coming out.I then pulled on my hoodie and walked to the docks to wash my knife.(kids don't do this)

When I finished I heard an explosion coming from the Mass Hall so I ran over there the fastest I could.which isn't very fast.(well a duh)shut up!And when I got there I saw everyone chasing after space kid.

"We've go you now Let's saw him in half!"Harrison yelled wait how did I only just realize he has an accent.(cuz can) And then everyone fell into a hole making falling into hole noises.(haha very funny)Drittsekk

I was tired so I decided to lean on a tree because I'm awesome.I noticed Max spin something that looks like a spear around.Shit why did I teach him that.When the fight really went down I was eating popcorn thanks to Lucky (you're welcome)

Tom skip brought to you by the possibility of this becoming a Harrison x reader

"Remember kids I had to cut corners on this so you'll all be using those tooth brushes later on."Campbell shouted at us

"Well that was futile"I sighed

"Yeah I think we can all agree that this was all Neil's fault"Max blamed

"Yep lesson learned never try to change anything ever again"

"What if its your drunk parents you wanna change"I muttered to myself

"What was that?"Nikki asked

"ingenting, ingenting"I replied

"What?"They all asked in unision

"I said nothing k"I snapped

Hei ma satans I hoped this explained a bit about y/n as a person and why she's like this also would you guys please tell me if i did anything wrong.Like the depression part.If you guys like this I might add more moments like this.

                                                                                      Ha det


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