Patch Up

5.4K 180 221

Universe: TV Series

Warnings: Blood

Word Count: 2700

Request: No

Note: Hey look at that, I'm back. I am so sorry for being gone for so long, school really ate up my time and then when I finally got let out for a break I developed a stress-induced sickness so for the past four to five days I've been cooped up in bed or unable to breathe through my nose.

Now I started writing this in October of last year but then it got deleted so I had to restart it, I then put it on the back burner because I got writer's block and now here it is in April finally finished, I'm not too happy with the ending but I feel like it's good enough.

This is a thank you for waiting so patiently, I know I'm a real mean author for only putting A/Ns in this book for the past couple of months so I felt obliged to finish this and upload this as a thank you for waiting so long and so patiently, I might be uploading another sick fic (Because that's all I've been for the past week), which basically means that I'm trying to make up for all the terrible A/N stuff I've left you guys .

But I'll stop talking now, enjoy!



The fight had been won. Barely.

Lloyd pulled his mask off, letting his blonde hair fall over his face, the fabric felt suffocating as he tried to catch his breath.

He'd been separated from the team as they were fighting, Lloyd ended up being cornered by five masked muggers, one of them having a switchblade tucked away in their hand although Lloyd didn't really pay attention to that detail.

As well as being separated from the other ninja and getting his ass handed to him Lloyd was feeling pretty good,

"Nya, Kai, Jay? Are you there?" Lloyd asked into his wristwatch. When nothing but static returned him he started to panic, "Hello? Zane? Cole? Anyone?" He said into the device but the crackling white noise was all he could hear, he must have busted his communicator when he was fighting.

As the adrenaline started to wear off, Lloyd could feel every bruise and cut sear his skin, he put his hand to the right side of his torso where most of the pain was coming from, he pulled his hand away at the sudden damp feeling on his palms, he looked down at his hands which were covered in blood?


"Shit, shit, shit!" He seethed as he put pressure on the stab wound wincing slightly at the pain it caused as he made his way out onto the street, if he made his way into the city he'd surely get lost but the other option was to take a bus down the country road to get to you, and if Lloyd was being honest he would much rather see you right now.

He pulled his mask back over his face before stepping onto a stopped bus and handing the driver five dollars telling him to keep the change before taking a seat, trying to keep as much pressure on his wound as possible, now that he was thinking about it he did remember getting stabbed but with four other bodies kicking, punching and hitting you the pain of being stabbed kind of just doesn't hit you at the time, he bit his lip to keep from making noise and just prayed that this bus ride wouldn't take long.


When you got a knock at your door at almost midnight you weren't wondering 'Well who could that be?' It was more along the lines of 'Who the fuck wants to sell me shit at a quarter to midnight? They better be ready to catch these hands.'

As you approached the door you reached for the wooden baseball bat that you kept in your umbrella stand, just in case, the knocking persisted and you pulled the door open, keeping a tight grip on the bat.

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