To Keep You Safe

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Universe: Movie (but I tweaked it to be more dangerous)

Warnings: Angst and a lot of it, kind of terrible pacing, weird P.O.V changes? Fluff, crying, Implied lemon

Word Count: 3290

Request: Yes, @samseaa thank you for waiting so long holy shit

Note: Hey it's Fairy again, this is the angsty-est thing I've ever written so bear with me, it's been in my drafts for about 4 months (Whoops) and now it's finally done, it wasn't meant to end in an implied lemon but Sam suggested it as a joke and then I decided I would do it. It was kind of uncomfortable to write but I DID IT ANYWAY CAUSE I AIN'T GONNA BACK DOWN WHEN I MAKE A JOKE AND THEN DECIDE TO FOLLOW THROUGH WITH IT. I've put a warning wear the implied lemon begins if you want to skip it.

Reader and Lloyd are about 18-19 years old in this one, cause in my country your legal from 16 but I felt 18-19 was a safer number, consent and protection is key my friends.

It's set so that Garmadon wasn't defeated when Lloyd was 16, basically, the events of the movie have yet to occur.

This was also based off of the final scene from Spiderman: Homecoming (sorry if that spoils anything)


 Lloyd has a secret, a massive secret. One that would be ruined if anyone was to find out, especially his girlfriend (Y/N), He cared immensely for the girl and wouldn't know what to do with himself if she ended up being hurt because of him or his alter ego.

So he kept his mouth shut about it. For a year and a half.

Being the green ninja was tough on the boy and he wishes there was someone he could spill his guts to and there is, both his girlfriend and his mother but he didn't feel like an early death anytime soon, so he just kept going, pushing the harsh emotions that came with being one of Ninjago's saviours aside.

So when Lloyd gets a call from (Y/N) after a fight and accidentally answers the phone in the process of trying to shut it off he could feel his heart sink,

"Ah, (Y/N) haha, how are you?" Lloyd heard an exasperated sigh carry through cell phone, he could picture the unamused face she was making without having to be anywhere near her,

"What happened to 'Yeah we can meet up after school and discuss the English homework' huh?" She questioned incredulously, her tone was one of anger and disappointment, she was really looking forward to spending the afternoon with her boyfriend,

"Ah, sorry. I got caught up in... Something," The blond trailed off as he made silent gestures at his team to be quiet,

"In what?" She pressed, she wanted a valid excuse as to why she got blown off. Again,

"Uh... Shopping," Lloyd almost wanted to strangle himself,

"Shopping?" Her deadpanned tone carried through the line, he could imagine her rolling her eyes at his lame excuse, he had to make it more believable,

"Yeah, I'm shopping with my mum..." Lloyd tried to sound as confident as possible with his excuse, hoping to any god above that she wouldn't ask any more questions and just hang up the phone,

"Oh," Lloyd felt his shoulder drop in relief as her tone of voice perked up, she was believing his lie, "Tell your mum I say hi," She continued, he was almost home free and then Cole chuckled.

It wasn't very loud but it wasn't quiet enough for (Y/N) to miss it,

"Wait was that Cole in the background? Lloyd where are you-" Her questioning tone was cut short by Lloyd's quick reply,

[HIATUS] GREEN | Lloyd Garmadon X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now