Happy Birthday

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Universe: Movie

Warnings: Just fluff, the reader is a musician cause this is an incredibly self-indulgent fic wHOOPS

Word Count: 2895

Request: No

Note: What up I'm back, (not really lmao) but hey guess what? IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! So I wrote this super duper self-indulgent piece of trash.

So yeah, also @samseaa 's birthday was last week exactly so this also dedicated to her (even though music is very much my thing wHOOPS) so yes I love my best friend a lot cause she's accidentally writing a full fic which is basically my fault because I got her obsessed with Detroit: Become Human.

So a few notes, the reader is based on me (hah duh), this is also a terrible one-shot because I haven't written anything in months, reader writes songs, sings and plays guitar cause those are my favourite things and I got a new guitar for my birthday (I got it a week early and I'm in FUCKING LOVE WITH IT) so yeah there's that. Umm, I'll probably add to this later cause it's almost midnight.

Also, this is unedited apart from basic spelling mistakes.



(B/N) means Brother's name

(B/S) means Birth Stone

(H/C) means Hair Colour


The sun poured through the slit in the curtains hanging over your window, you took a deep breath and pushed yourself up from your bed.

You reached over to your bedside table and grabbed your phone, the screen lit up as you received a few new notifications from Instagram and Snapchat.

You opened up Instagram and sorted through your notifications, a couple of new photos on your feed, two birthday messages in your DMs and a photo that you'd been tagged in.

You tapped the notification to see that Nya had posted 10 photos with you in them, most of them from when you'd gone into to town with her and the boys a month back, you'd stopped at the waterfront and done a makeshift photo shoot.

The pictures Nya pulled together mainly consisted of everyone being stupid or a zoomed in and grainy photo of you pulling an odd face, you laughed at the post before reading the caption.

'Happy birthday bitch! Here's to another year of being general nuisances in public and getting kicked out of the mall because of how "loud and intimidating" we are!!!!'

You giggled to yourself as you thought back to when you'd all been kicked out of the mall, the mall security has explained that your behaviour was "loud and intimidating" and that "It'd be safer for the other mall goers if we vacated the premises", you'd been given permission to go back to mall after a long-winded apology to the staff and security while your mother glared at you in disappointment.


Leaving a funny (and vulgar) thank you on the post you began to get up when your phone went off again, it was another Instagram notification. This time you'd been tagged in a picture from Lloyd.

It was a picture of the two of you on the waterfront, foreheads pushed together and hands entwined however your bodies were completely silhouetted by the orange sunset happening behind you, the caption was a simple happy birthday and some heart emojis.

You felt your heart swell with love for this boy. You commented on the post with a simple thank you with more hearts that should be deemed necessary and got up.

[HIATUS] GREEN | Lloyd Garmadon X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now