
5.8K 214 241

Word Count: 2079

Warnings: Just fluff 

Ah, who would have guessed that Lloyd would be the centre of attention once again haha.

I like the idea of this one a lot but I don't think that I wrote it very well, eh it is what it is. Happy Valentine's day to you all and don't worry if you don't have a Valentine because tomorrow all the chocolate will be on sale. Also, I will volunteer to be everyone's Valentine, CHOCOLATE AND ROSES FOR EVERYONE.


I never thought I'd see the day.

The day where in the middle of my third-period class a senior boy with red hearts painted on his face and angel wings strapped to his back would offer me a rose.

The kids in my class whooped and hollered as one of the girls in my desk group urged me to open the tiny letter attached to it.

Dear (Y/N),

I wish I had the courage to tell you who I am. Happy Valentine's day (Y/N)


My jaw dropped as I read over the neat handwriting trying to figure out if I recognized it, although I couldn't quite place who's handwriting it was.

Of the three years I'd spent at this school I had never had a rose delivered to me on Valentine's day, the lesson soon resumed but my mind was racing, trying to figure out who could have possibly sent me this rose.


When I changed my books for fourth-period (after carefully placing my rose on the top shelf) a small envelope fell onto the ground.

It was a simple white with my name in the same neat cursive as the letter attached to the rose.

Dear (Y/N),

I wish I was brave enough to confront you, I feel like a coward writing you letters instead of talking to you face to face. You have no idea the effect you have on me and I've decided that now is as good a time as any to try and reach out to you. This might be weird now but I can assure you that you'll figure out who I am sooner or later, you're a smart girl after all.

There will be another note in your locker before lunch, be sure to read it once you get it.


I felt my cheeks heat up slightly before turning my head both ways to see if anyone might be watching me for my reaction, nothing looked out of the ordinary so I slipped the note into my bag along with my books and continued on to class.

When I arrived in the class Zane, a close friend of mine, took his seat next to me. We greeted each other before he placed his bag on the desk.

I had my head under the desk pulling my bag open and rummaging for my pen and books before Zane spoke up,

"Happy Valentine's day (Y/N)," Zane said with a smile, I lifted my head so fast I hit it on the edge of the desk, grasping my scalp in a fair bit of pain I looked at the blond with wide eyes,

"It was you?!" I asked in a frantic whisper, the look of confusion that crossed Zane's face was something that didn't go unmissed,

"I am not sure I know what you are talking about," He started, "Are you alright?" He asked reaching forward but I swatted his hands away lightly,

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," I reached into my bag sifting through the contents before I felt the smooth paper of the envelope I had acquired earlier, "So you didn't write this?" I asked passing him the note quickly trying to avoid being caught by the teacher.

[HIATUS] GREEN | Lloyd Garmadon X Reader OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora