7 Year Anniversary of Ninjago (A/N)

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Yeah I know I'm late but I only got reminded this morning.

So I was talking with my good bitch samseaa and she had this great idea of telling the story of how she was introduced to Ninjago and I thought I would share my introduction to the show as well.

It was the summer of 2011(for me at least), the pilot episode/movie had been released but I knew nothing about it.

My two younger brothers and I were sat down for dinner on the floor in front of the T.V.

My brothers and I were flipping through some DVDs (Cause we had a DVD player back then) we were going to watch Clutch Powers, yes Clutch Powers (Shocking) for the umpteenth time when my dad walked into the living room with a USB stick, he had gotten a show called Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu from a friend at work who knew that our family were pretty lego mad (We still are).

Considering we were already going to watch a Lego movie and we'd seen it so often my brothers and I decided that we would try this new show, I mean who doesn't like ninjas?

So at the age of 10, my two younger brothers being 7 years old and 6 years old, sat in awe of this show as it opened and thus began 7 years of infatuation with a T.V show about Lego ninja.

it's crazy to think that I turn 17 this year and I'm still in love with this show, you're probably wondering how samseaa fits into this right?

I met samseaa in my first year of college(Highschool) now her retelling of events is probably different to mine but this is what I remember, we had sat down to eat either morning tea or lunch and I'd made a passing remark about the show that I thought would go unnoticed by samseaa and little did I know I would open the floodgates and it skyrocket us into being the best of friends.

Neither of us really had anyone to talk to about the show so we spared no time in yabbering on about it, I had been teased by my friends for liking something so childish as they'd all moved on to more sophisticated things but I had done the same, I just couldn't leave such a large part of my childhood behind so finding out samseaa liked the lego ninja just as much as I did was a weight off my shoulders.

So even though we haven't known each other for 7 years it kinda feels like we have because of the love of this show, so that what makes it special to me.

It's not just the storyline and the characters, the amazing development and plot twists but also the fact that it has helped me connect with my absolute best friend and in turn connected me with RobinFromTheDwarf and so many of you on this platform.

So there it is, how I was introduced to Ninjago. It was sappy but I think that's okay :)

Happy 7 years everybody <3


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