Liar (Loki X Reader )

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Words: 1669
Warning: Angst, slight nakedness, scars,lot of love damn it
Fandom: Loki. Avangers, Thor, something.

"Liar!" the sound of your voice boomed through the halls of Asgard, the rage in it able to scare even Odin. You were standing in front of the raven haired prince, your face flushed Crimson with anger and your body was trembling with every ragged breath.

" You think you could just walk in here and say your apology and I would forgive you but let me give you the news, Loki! I have had enough of you, and your faked love!" you shouted, enraged with barely his presence. How dared he come here?! He had left you for a stupid woman on earth, a mortal!

"Y/N, listen to me..." He tried top eat but you grabbed the closes thing to you, a book, and threw it in his face, making him fall with a loud thump.

"Do not say my name, you filthy rat! I now know that all the things you said to me meant nothing! The sweet promises made under the stars, it was all lies! You are just a liar!" your voice was getting hoarse due to all the shouting but you kept your body tall. Never again would this man before you hurt you. Never. Loki did not move from his spot in the floor, his hand trailing up to his mouth to where the book had it and blood dripped from a wound in his lip. Slowly his gaze met with yours and the agony and sorrow in them almost made your heart give in. No, you thought for yourself, I will not fall for his tricks, not again.

"Get out. Leave my chambers and my life, forever and I will reconsider killing you right on this spot. " you spat out the last words with anger, hopeful to hide the fear in them. Thankfully the prince slowly rose from his spot and you moved away when he tried to take your hand. With a defeated sigh he let his hand fall to the side and walked at the door, his head down. You stood ready with the door to slam it close but was stopped when he spoke again.

"I love you, Y/N." he looked up from the floor and looked sincerely into your eyes but you only snorted and looked away.

"Loved me? Don't make me laugh. " you answered with an underlying anger, looking back into his orbs. The sudden raging fire in them made you gasp and before you could close the door you had been slammed up against the opposite wall, the door slamming shut and locking itself due to Loki's magic. Said person was towering above you, holding your wrists above your head in a blood stopping grip. You hissed at him, trying to get free from his grasp but nothing worked. Never had he showed you how strong he was. His face was down and you tried to fight more against him.

"Let me go, Loki! Now!" You exclaimed but your efforts was cut short when the slightest tremble of his shoulders. You slowly seated your raging body and stared at the man before you with wide eyes. Now when you had stopped shouting and fought against him you could clearly hear his sobs. A sound foreign to you from this man. Loki, he was strong, filled with mischief and never sad, only angry at his brother. But here he stood before you, the sound of his crying echoing through your large chamber and his body trembling before you.

"Loki?" the whisper escaped your lips before you could think and you cursed yourself mentally for your actions. But, there was no answer. It was completely quiet, the kind of quiet when you're completely alone in an empty room. It's so quiet your mind imagines your hear a low constant "peep".

"Why will you not love me?" the question was barely over a whimper but you heard it.

"Why will I not love you?" you asked back with an angry tone, your muscles tensing to shout once more, but stopped when Loki faced you, his skin blue an his eyes red, like a frost giant.

"You never loved me! All you wanted was to be able to be near my brother! I love you more than he could even dream of! Me, your lover!" his voice was raw and broken, the tears streaming down his face as he screamed into your face.

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