Crazy adventures (Fili X thief!human Reader)

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Words: 1286

Warning: None really, crazy reader maybe?, kiss as payment

fandom: the hobbit, fili, fili because he needs much more love :D

"Run Fili! RUN!!!" you screamed with laughter as you ran as fast as you could down the hill, having a bag filled with stolen things. Fili was shrieking on top of his lunges, arms in the air, as he ran further behind you, being chased by the elves of mirkwood and you laughed loudly. You grabbed hold of a liana with one hand and let out a happy shout as you swung yourself over a ravine and landed on the other side. You tossed the liana back to a hysterical Fili and you continued running. As soon as you were out of mirkwood and had run over the large fields over it and far away you sat down in the shadow of a tree, smirking for yourself.

You looked at the beautiful treasures before you of gems and silver and knives and bows. You clapped your hands together happily and then looked over to the dark forest, expecting to see Fili any second now. But as the time went he never exited. You almost felt bad for him. He had tried to stop you from breaking into the elven kings castle and got lost from his group and then had been dragged along by you. When you had been caught in action they had thought the young prince was a thief too and that's how you ended up running for your lives. You tried to push away the feeling of guilt but gave up and sighed. You hid your treasure under branches and stood up, stretching your body. You hummed faintly, smirking at your well earned flexibility and then ran at the elven land again. Your speed was even better than elves and you held two small knives in your hands as you moved faster. You heard the guards shouting as you ran at the bridge and you smirked. The large doors started closing but you easily jumped through the air, head first, and slipped through. Doing a front flip you landed on the ground and avoided the elves grabbing after you. You gave them a light salute and jumped backwards, falling down a cliff. You heard them yelling in shock and anger and you smirked. You threw one of your knives, a rope attached to it, into a wall and used it to swing yourself away in high speed. You flew through the kingdom easily, avoiding every attack coming at you. Soon you the dwarf you were looking for standing in front of the elven king and you hummed. Four guards. That will be easy, you mused and threw yourself forward. tackling into the first guard you used his body to push away as he fell and kicked both your feet in the other guards face. The two standing besides Fili spun around but was drop-kicked away and all four guards were now knocked out. You stood up on your full length and grinned at the shocked Thranduil and astonished Fili.

"Sorry, pointy ears, but this belongs to me." you announced with a wink and grabbed hold of Fili's shirt. The king tried to grab you but you stuck out your tongue and did a backflip, holding Fili against your chest. You quickly ran, ignoring the angry yelling from the dwarf that insisted on him running by himself and tackled the elf coming at you. He yelled loudly and crashed into the ground and you continued running.

"You just tackled the prince of mirkwood!" Fili yelled in victory and laughed, making you grin wider than before. You took out a small glass-ball and threw it at the doors in front of you, it exploding and destroying the doors. You threw Fili through the hole first and then yourself and you quickly grabbed him again. You ran faster than you had ever imagined you could and you could hear the elves around you and behind you running too.

"Hold on tight! " you exclaimed and then whistled loudly, the tune echoing through the forest. A large roar returned it and soon a giant tiger ran besides you. You threw Fili on top of it and then pulled yourself up behind him.

"Go, Amarajh!" you exclaimed and the tiger roared once more, crashing into a couple of elves that tried to block the way and they flew away. You held onto the Amarajh's fur tightly and smirked when you saw the prince again and his eyes widened in shock. Soon you were far away from the land of elves and you lead the tiger towards the tree you had hid your treasures at. You jumped of the tiger and gave her a loving kiss on the head before pulling out the bag and humming.

"Okay. Please tell me what just happened." Fili's voice cut through your humming and you turned around, seeing how he had gotten of Amarajh's back and you shrugged.

"I went back to save you. It's not much." you answered with a genuine smile, throwing your bag over your shoulder.

"Why?" Fili questioned, crossing his arms over his chest. You laughed lightly at his suspiciousness, patting Amarajh's head as she nuzzled it against you.

"Because you tried to stop me. You knew I could get hurt and cared. Even if we've just met." you answered and patted his head lightly. He wasn't that much smaller than you. Maybe 30 cm or something like that. His face turned rad at your gesture and he quickly pushed your hand away.

"Speaking of just met, I told you my name but you never said yours." he stated and you let out a light 'aaaah, true.' and then grinned.

"It's Y/N. Do you want a ride? Amarajh can easily track your friends." you mused and your tiger in response let out a loud growl. Fili looked skeptically at her and then at you but sighed.

"Fine, I'll ride with you and your strange large cat." he muttered and you laughed, holding a hand on your stomach.

"It's not a cat! Well, it's a cat like animal, but it's a tiger." you answered Amarajh laid down, smirking faintly at the dwarf.

"And look at how kind she is, she laid down so you could get on without having to jump! " you said teasingly and received a light smack on your arm. You laughed at the grumpy face of the dwarf before you and then bit your lip. His blonde hair and the braided mustache made your heart beating slightly faster and when you saw the mischievous twinkle in his grey eyes you almost fainted. Then a very bad, but wonderful idea caught your attention and you snickered.

"But you have to pay a price to go with us." you mused and Fili groaned in frustration, taking out his moneybag. You gently put your hand on his and pushed it away again, making him look at you in confusion.

"A kiss." you mused, feeling your cheeks getting warmer. A smug grin curved his lips and a adventures look filled his eyes. You were about to lean down but he kicked the back of your knees, making you falls backwards quickly and then grabbed you around the waist. You stared shocked at him and he winked before pressing his lips against yours. Your eyelids fluttered close and you kissed back, combing your fingers through his hand with one hand while the other held onto his shirt. Slowly the two of you pulled apart and both was breathing slightly heavier.

"I wouldn't mind to pay that price another time." he flirted and you laughed, blushing more. Both of you got up on Amarajh's back and soon you were moving again. Fili's arms were wrapped around your waist and you grinned for yourself.

" Let's go on another crazy adventure." you murmured in Amarajh's ear and she roared in agreement.

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