I live through your music. Hanzo Shimada x reader

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Fandom: Overwatch, Hanzo, Hanzo Shimada, the handsoap man
Warnings: Mentions of death, the reader is not in a good place, attempted suicide.
Words: 1297

The wind blew quietly through the cherry trees, the pink pedals falling down all around you. You sat by yourself, having walked far away from the nearest village or city. Your footsteps through the beautiful pink pedals would soon be erased with more and no one would ever know the path you had travelled. It did not matter anymore to you. You wanted a peaceful end, without anyone having to find your horrible fate after.
A Shamisen laid upon your lap, the beautiful instrument having long passed the day which your grandmother had played it. You still remembered her beautiful voice when she sang and how you had been mesmerised by how easy it was for her to play. It was a thing that brought you two closer, the love of the beauty of the instrument. The day of her death, you had been brought to her deathbed. She had given you the beautiful instrument with her cold trembling hands and spoken to you in Japanese, a language your parents had never taught you.

Watashi wa anata no ongaku o tōshite ikiru.

It was strange how you still remembered the words. She had passed when you were barely twelve years old. But still it stuck with you. And so had the instrument. You had never played it as you were scared you were not talented enough. You had instead bought another one with money you had earned yourself and learned how to play the instrument. You had played every day, late into the night if the homework had taken too long to finish. Your parents had given you your grandmother's old journal many years later and from it you had been able to learn her song. At the age of fifteen had you been away on a school trip when you learned the beautiful melody and had planned to play it for your relatives and parents. But as you had arrived at the familiar doorstep everything you once had known was changed. The house you and your kin had lived in was gone. Alone you had dug out their burnt bodies from underneath the black rubble. Alone you buried them, filling a hill with their graves. You had called out to your friends for help but no one replied to your cries. The letters had been burnt or thrown away. You did not know why, and why should you? Your family kept secrets from you that would make anyone cry in horror. So you continued living on, oblivious to what your relatives had truly done to many others. Ten years you had managed to take it, but you could no longer bear the pain. To be alone. Therefor you were here. You had sold all your belongings, everything except your kimono, the things belonging with it, a silk cloth and the shamisen.
You gazed down upon the ground below you, you being seated right before a cliff. The forest below was pink with the cherry blossoms and you knew soon they would be stained red. With trembling hands you brought the shamisen into the right position and then started playing. Soon you sang as well, even if you did not know the words meaning. Your grandmother had only written down how they sounded, but not what they meant.

"Kawazu naku natsu no hi aoku moyu yamazato." you began hesitantly, but grew more confident as the words sounded much like when your grandmother had spoken them.

"Noboru tsuki aogu sora tomo ni iku kono michi. Sono michi wa izuku ya, sono hate wo yume mite." you could remember how you had gazed at your grandmother with such adoration as her voice had made the song angelic. Her hands had moved with grace as she had played. And as she had mastered the skill of playing the instrument she could do it with closed eyes. You followed in her footsteps, knowing the movements now by hand and you closed your eyes. The shamisen's music filled your mind and your own voice was replaced by your grandmothers in your head.

"Momoji chiru aki no hi inaho ni mo uzuku. Osomeru ringo no mi wataru kaze kogoeru. Nobe wataru mushi no koe kodama suru kokoro e. " the beautiful song echoed over the forest you sat before, your mind being at peace for the first and last time ten years. Damp tears drenched your cheeks but a bright smile was evident on your lips. You could hear the birds sing and the sun was shining bright high up above in the blue sky. No clouds were to be seen and even the most miserable person would say it was a beautiful day. A soft hum escaped you as you stood, your hands clutching the shamisen close to your slowly heaving chest. Your feet lead you to the closest tree where you put the instrument down, leaning it against the trunk carefully before putting a silk cloth over the shamisen, a crane being it's theme. The birds wings were spread out and all feathers shown in mesmerising beauty. You stepped back from the covered shamisen and the song still lived on as you hummed it's tune. You walked up to the edge of the cliff. You took a deep breath. It was time to say farewell. You turned around, a bright smile on your face as you were to bid the world goodbye and was surprised to find a broad shouldered man only a few meters away from you, a blue dragon tattoo crawling along his left arm. His beautiful amber brown eyes were wide open and his mouth slightly agape as he stared deeply into yours. You could recognise him, his eyes belonging to one of your old friends, one of those that never answered. But it could not be him, it couldn't be possible. He had been gone for a long time.
The smile that had fallen from your lips returned again. You bowed at him, standing in the position for mere seconds before you straightening your back again and stood faced to the man. You had not planned for anyone to know about what you would do, but you could wait no longer. You took a step back, the edge of the cliff being under the middle of your geta. The man did not react and you breathed out a sigh of relief. It was not your friend. Your body leaned back and your feet lost their grip on the ground beneath you. Soon it would all be over. Your body was filled with peace and harmony as you were to meet your maker.
But the feelings were disturbed when the man suddenly cried out. Your body jolted as a hand grabbed hold of yours. Your eyes snapped open and you stared up at the man from before, his eyes wild and filled with fear as his strong hand gripped yours. You had no chance to protest before the man shouted endeavour as he pulled up over the cliff's edge. His strong body soon held yours close as he laid on your ground. He held your head still against his chest, your ear against his skin. You could hear the sound of his heart racing in his chest. You laid upon his heavily built torso, unable to move away from him as his arms held you locked still.

" I should never have left you alone." the man's deep and husky voice sent shivers down yours spine, the familiarity in it making your eyes water. You could no longer see the shapes of the landscapes around you, but only the colour of the pink cherry pedals falling from the trees. The warm breeze blew quietly over you and the birds sang their love for each other.

"I'm sorry, Y/N." 

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