Strange connections. Bucky Barnes X (ex assassin) reader.

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Fandom: Avengers, captain America the winter soldier , Bucky barnes marvel.
Warnings: Not detailed death and attempted murder.
Words. 978

Of course they thought you were insane. Insane as you sat in this car, all of them screaming for their lives as other cars were flying through the air and you were filming it all with a mad laughter. Death and anything such had been long forgotten in your life. Let's just say, you're life had been quite... Messy. Being brained washed to murder people from the day you were born had changed you, but thankfully had your new friends, a group of 20 year old people, helped you. They were also the same friends that sat in the car with you screaming. You sat in the middle of two guys, Mikeal and Softie ( no one knew his real name ) and they were screaming and holding on to you tightly. Almost like movie night when you watched the Conjuring two and the scary nun suddenly appeared. Pablo, the guy driving, where trying to avoid cars that flew around and shouted at you to stop filming and do something sane, like screaming in fear. You just shrugged and continued, until you saw something no person with a normal life could avoid. Instantly you had thrown yourself into the driver's seat, forcing yourself atop of your friend's lap with your hands on the wheel and your feet on the pedals. Pablo, that had been slightly calmer than the two in the back, now panicked like his life was at stake. Well, with your driving it always was. You drove the car skillfully through the other exploded or bullet impaled vehicles, the tiers screeching at the effort of turning so suddenly on a short notice. You then drove of the main road and in between a couple of buildings before you stopped the car and got out.

"Y/N !What the hell are you doing!?" shouted Emelie, the one that sat in the front passenger seat. You only answered with a light shrug, waving the camera.

"I need content for my blog! I'll go that way and you go this." you answered casually and pointed your direction towards all the commotion and chaos. Yes, you had become quite insane. Before any of your friends were able to stop you, you were already gone. Softie and Mikael screamed even more.

You appeared on the scene with wide eyes, mouth slightly open as you moved the phone around to show your blog viewers what the heck was going on. With a soft skip in your walks you examined the falled over buss, the people being knocked out everywhere and the empty shells of bullets everywhere.

"Holy moly. This really must have been a party." you mused before following the trail of crashed cars and explosions to a man with some kind of rifle kneeling between the vehicles.
You recorder it and watched as a car exploded and the man looked at it in slight confusion. A woman behind a car jumped at him and the two of them fought. You watched with wide eyes, pretty sure you had seen the red-haired woman somewhere before. And as she was thrown atop a car you decided to join in. You ran and used a car to jump, coming with feet first into he man's chest. He grunted loudly and fell to the ground. You landed with your feet on each sides of his thighs and grabbed hold hold of his weapon and threw it to the side. His eyes went wide as he stared at you.

"Maybe shouldn't go blow people up, sunshine." you mused softly before suddenly he grabbed hold of you arm and put his feet to your stomach, throwing you above his head. You groaned lightly as you hit the ground with a painful smack but didn't show much more sign that you were hurt. You looked up and in the last second you avoided a metal fist trying to... grab you? You got off your sorry ass and had to dodge two outstretched hands. The man was persistent and it seemed like you were his grabbing target. He managed to grab a hold of your hair and pulled you to him, his eyes scanning your face carefully. You took a deep breath through your nose, feeling no pain by the tight grip of his human fist due to the adrenaline was kicking in. His face came closer but then everything was turned upside down and you were upon the ground, the man as well with a blonde over him. The fight escalated and they were no longer on the same street as you. You slowly sat up, holding your cracked, still recording, phone in your hands.

"What just happened?" you asked.

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