A new adventure, a hobbit fanfic

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Fandom: Hobbit, no one is being shipped with anyone yet, but yes, Bilbo is here.
Warnings: Badly written AU where reader is taken to the world of Tolkien without their consent
Words: 1266

A soft hum escaped your lips as you stood in front of your window, a steaming hot cup of coffee in your hands. Your cat, Fir, sat up on your shoulders, happily purring as the sunlight washed warmth over the two of you. You could feel it through the light night clothing you were wearing. As you sipped on your coffee, you decided that this was the day. This was the day you would start getting your life together. If you only had known what faith had in mind for you. A sudden blinding white light made you cry out in fear and fall backwards but landed on nothing. Fir screamed loudly as she almost flew away and clawed at you. A piece had been ripped apart through universe and time and you had unfortunately been right there when it happened. It was nothing unusual, but how should you know? How could you know about it as it felt as if you were falling trough air, unable to do anything to prevent yourself from leaving your home? Somewhere, not close to home. You wrapped your arms around your beloved cat, holding the feline close to your chest as you continued falling, your back towards whatever would be your final destination. You hit the ground hard, with a loud thud, a gasp escaping your already parted lips. If you had not been so shocked, a scream would have thorn through your throat and what seemed to be the misty night air. Fir was panting heavily, eyes wide as she had no clue what had just happened. A crash to the right of you, made you realise that you were still alive. You turned your head, seeing the shattered pieces of your favourite cup. You rose to your feet, knees weak and shaking. You had to get away from here. What if something else had followed with you? It was possible it could fall right in your head and end your life. Fir's claws had ruined your shirt, but you did not bother much. You started walking, through the glade you had fallen into. You dared not look back as you walked towards the large trees, but if you had, you would have seen a mark of old, forbidden to use. But how should you be able to know that anyway?

"Where are we?" you asked yourself as you walked, your feet hurting from the rough ground. You were not used to be walking barefoot through the forest. Tears started welling up in your eyes as the shock slowly faded out, along with the fear adrenaline your body had produced. Where were you?
What had happened? Why, out of all people on this earth, were you the one transported away from home? A sniffle, a tear and a sob later you were wailing. You cried heavily, fat tears streaming down your face, and your cat couldn't even help you feel better. Of course, you were happy you weren't alone, but Fir could not have any answer, and if she did, she couldn't tell you. You walked for hours and probably walked a few miles in the darkness. But a blessing found. The smell of food being cooked and smoke filled your nose, and all your survival instincts made you walk towards it. The sobbing had stopped, but the tears continued falling and you looked like an absolute mess walking through the forest. You saw a light, then another, and then a window. You felt lightheaded with happiness as you realised it was a house, but you didn't realise which house it was. You walked up to the round door, knocked on it with a trembling hand and then waited.
You heard shuffling from inside, an annoyed man grumbling and mumbling as he walked to the door. It flung upon, a curly haired man standing before you with his mouth open, ready to scold you for bothering him so late in the evening and being uninvited at that, but then he saw your face. And his emotions turned from irritation and annoyance to confusion and worry. But the tears in your eyes made you unable to see all his facial features.

"I'm sorry, for bothering you this late, but I'm lost and I don't how I ended up in this place" you said after a while of silence, none of you really knowing what to say at first. He looked at you, and his kind-hearted side appeared again, which it didn't do quite often. Come with me, you'll be safe and sound here, he said as he held out a hand to you. You took it carefully, his warmth making you feel much better already. He led you inside and locked the door behind him.

"Go to the fire, will you? I will bring you a blanket and a hot cup of tea. I just made some." he said and you nodded your head, following the crackling sound of the fire into what seemed to be a living room. But, you found it quite familiar. And that is when it hit you. You were in the fantasy you always had wished to be in. But you had always believed that Bag-end would always be what it was supposed to be, a fantasy. But at this moment, it seemed as if it was quite opposite. You walked into the room, closer to the fire, and carefully wiped away the tears from your eyes. It was exactly like you had seen it. You sat down in the armchair close to the fire and tried to calm your beating heart. You were in the home of no other than Bilbo Baggins. But, which Bilbo Baggins. You would soon know as you heard his footsteps closing in from the kitchen. He walked up to you and held out the cup to you, the steam emerging from the opening. You looked at him, seeing a young, very non-adventures Bilbo. You took the cup from, thanking him a million times for his kindness. He laughed slightly at you and told you not to worry about it. He then put the blanket over your shoulder, successfully wrapping you up in it.

"So, you do not know why you ar here in Hobbiton? Or how you ended up here?" Bilbo asked after introducing himself and sitting down on an armchair beside you. You nodded your head at him, a soft sniffle escaping as you tried your best to speak.

"I really don't," you answered." one second I was at home, ready to meet the day, and the other, I was torn from my living room and into a glade. I walked into the forest, scared and confused and then, I ended up here." you looked at him after you had explained. Bilbo's eyebrows were furrowed, and he wrinkled his nose momentarily.

"Well, if that is the case, I think I can give you my spare room at the moment. I don't usually do this, but it seems as if there is no other choice." the hobbit and your eyes went wide. Do you truly mean it, you asked him in disbelief. Bilbo nodded his head and you saw in his eyes that he was serious. You promised him that you would help him with everything he would need as a thank you, and a light laughter escaped him. You didn't know what the future held in store, but it would probably be more exciting than working at a magazine. And well, you loyal and fierce feline Fir was with you. It was not too bad. It could be worse.

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