Stay away. Zenyatta x reader

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Fandom: Overwatch, Zenyatta
Warnings: Kind of Suicide, amnesia.
Words: 955

You hated this, hated it more than anything. You knew that it only was training, a simulation of reality, but still, it was horrifying. Especially when your only source of comfort was currently keeping the other team healed with his harmony orbs. To you this was absolute torture and everyone knew it. But you needed to be able to protect yourself and fight. You were their support and you needed to focus. You held your small bag close to your chest, the small healing needles inside rattling around. You took a few deep breaths, somehow managing to calm yourself a little bit. Until suddenly Athena counted down and your hand instantly went to the large dagger hanging from your hip.

You only used it for defence as you repulsed fighting. It would be the last thing you would ever do. The time was up and your team moved out. You ran close to Reinhardt, the big man being your strength when it came to training or battles when the calm monk wasn't around. You healed him as the fighting began and everyone coming close to you. Everything seemed to be fine and your team was doing well. The payload was soon captured and put in motion. But as soon as it was people around you started falling. The simulation was made so that when someone "died" they were teleported back to the spawn room and were forced to wait there for a few seconds. The only ones that didn't fall was you and Reinhardt. You were healing him furiously as he at an alarming rate was taking damage every second his shield was down. He didn't have much time to recharge it and it was breaking down quicker each time he held it up. Thankfully reinforcement was soon there and the others where pushed back. You did your best to heal everyone and it seemed to be appreciated by everyone as they always thanked you when they rushed by. You were starting to feel more relaxed and confident and now stood more at the back of your team to ease the healing. The payload was soon to reach the second point and your team was doing well. No one was sent back to the spawn room thanks to your constant healing and your teammates protecting you at all cost. You were their only healer after all. The other team had two healers and it helped them immensely since your own team was now on an all time offence to keep the payload moving. An extra intense push from the other team required you to back of more to be kept out of harm and your team fiercely fought back. They managed to push the other team back and you rushed forward to heal them again. Until suddenly you fell to your knees, your mind no longer your own. You could hear him whisper in your ear, all the mistakes you had made, how you were a disappointment to your family and that your friends leaving you were your own fault. You knew all this, you knew that this was nothing he would say to you, but his discord orbs where meant to do this. To make his enemy hesitate and become weak. But you did not become hesitant, you became unstable. Fat salty tears fell from your eyes and your hands gripped your head tightly in your hands. You tugged your head, begging him to get out of your head, but he didn't. You knew what needed to be done to make it go away and your trembling hands slowly started moving. The handle of the dagger felt cold in your hands but you gripped it tightly. Pulling it out of it's sheath you held the dagger in front of you, blade's tip towards your chest. Your team had realised that your presence was missing and had turned around to see you. The enemy team had noticed as well and panic welled up in all of them. The discord orb floating around you was suddenly gone but your body had already moved before it. The daggers blade dug deep into your chest, hitting your broken heart perfectly. You could hear your teammates shout your name as well as the other team and your body was suddenly gone. Instead of appearing in the usual spawn room you suddenly found yourself in a white room, laying on a sickbay bed, tubes and wires connected to your being. You blinked, confused to why you were here. You sat up, ignoring the immense pain inside of your chest and pulled the wires out from your body. You remembered nothing. Not who you were or where you were. You just followed your instincts and your instincts told you to get out of there. And so you did. All tubes and wires were lose, a monitor screaming after you pulled out the wire and some kind of alarm being heard in the room. You pushed on the door almost falling out when it opened. You walked through the halls, the alarm still blaring and you heard footsteps coming towards you from all directions. You stopped walking, waiting. Soon enough people started appearing in the hallways around you and a very strange metallic man caught your eyes. He floated over to you quickly, everyone else from that hallway following. He said a name, one that you no longer recognised and he reached out for you. You did not know what he was about to do so you acted from your instincts, acted on all you knew. You smacked his hand away and stared him down, a snarl on your face. And to anyone that saw it meant only one thing.

Stay away.

Oneshots and mysteriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora