His(Smaug X reader )( pointless Smut )

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Words: 1207

Warning: Smut. PwP

Fandom: the hobbit, Smaug

You didn't remember how you ended up here. You didn't even know where here was. But it was warm and that was the only thing you cared about. Well, that wasn't entirely true as you was bothered about the hard things pressing into your back. You looked around and your eyes widened as you stated upon the great treasure of Erebor.

It was then you remembered how all of this happened. You had been attacked by orcs and had been forced into the iced water below the lonely mountain. You were an extremely skilled fighter, one of the best of all times, but not even you could take on a whole army. You had swam for hours and the dragged yourself over land and into Erebor as you had seen lights. You had collapsed upon a mountain of gold and then drifted off to sleep. It must have been a day since you collapsed because your clothes were dry. No wait, you were naked and dry and your clothes laid on the ground before you. You quickly pressed back so you sat, grabbing a golden dagger and looked around. "You are awake, beautiful one. " a dark voice's rumbling echo was heard all around you and the hair on your neck stood on end. You knew very well who was speaking. Smaug. "What do you want from me?! What have you done to me?!" You screamed, trying to find the dragon. Suddenly you were lifted up from the gold and you yelled, turning around so come face to face with the gigantic dragon. You could clearly see the lust in his darkened eyes and you gulped. Oh gods. "I took of your clothes to prevent you from being sick. You will need your health to please me, pet. " he answered with a husky growl and your toes curled. You always knew something had been weird with you, but being turned on by a huge dragon aa you sat on his palm was even too weird for you. "But I can't! " you tried to protest but was only met by a loud laughter. Smaug stared at you, over your body and into your eyes, and then he smirked. "Then you do not know about our shape shifting. " you didn't have time to ask when suddenly a blinding light shone through the whole mountain and the hand you sat upon shrunk. Now two hand were grasping your bottom firmly and a naked, slightly scaled, man's body pressed against your own. "Oh. " you managed to breath out and Smaug laughed, his longer black hair matching perfectly with his fit body and orange-yellow eyes. Two large wings shot out from his back and a tail swayed behind him. He was incredibly handsome in this form too. "Now you can, pet. " he murmured. It was your only warning as you then, a second later, were on your knees, your face and chest pressed against the cold marble passage and your bottom up with your legs spread. "Do not fight me, pet, or I will hurt you greatly. " Smaug snarled in your ear and you moaned weakly. Your brain wanted to protest but your heart was screaming hallelujah. "I-I promise..." you answered weakly and a smug grin glued on the dragon's face. He was pressed against you, his left hand between your shoulder blades as he rubbed his hard shaft against your hear. His groan took your breath away and you but your lip to hide the desperate mewl. "I am your king, and you are my pet. " he snarled as he suddenly trust inside of you, making you cry out at the sudden intrusion. He was big, way too big and it stretched your walls until their limits. It was painful and tears fell down you cheeks. A hand wrapped around your waist forced you to stand up on all four and Smaug's breath in your ear made you shiver. "You are my lover." He moaned and started moving, his hands grabbing your hips hard and forcing you to move against him. It hurt so bad and the tears continued falling but you stayed the way he had made you stand. You but your bottom lip to hide the pained sobs when he increased his speed. He pounded inside of you, his ragged breath in your ear but he abruptly stopped when a sob had slipped past your sealed lips. He put soothing kisses along your back and your shoulders, over to your neck where he pushed his face down. Sharp teeth nipped at your softly flesh and sent a pleasures sensation down your spine and right to your core. "You are my Queen. I knew and felt it in my heart the second I saw you, and I knew that you would forever be mine. You shall life for a thousand years as me, and give me many children and together we shall take over the lands of middle earth. " he whispered and you stopped breathing. Did he just? "Smaug..." The breathless whimper was barely audible but the dragon heard it. He turned your head and kissed you feverishly, his haves too g to cup your breast and toy with your clit. You felt the fire burning in your soul abs you knew he was right. This is why you were so weird. Why you had better senses that elves, why you loved fire so deeply and why you could feel your chest tightening when Smaug spoke. This was your destiny. You relaxed your body and let the dragons split tongue force its way into your mouth, let it map you. You pressed back against him experimentally and moaned louder than before when all the pain had turned into extreme pleasure. Smaug snarled and but down in your neck, trusting his hard shaft inside you roughly. " I told you not to love. Now you deserve your punishment." He hissed, making you shiver as you look back at him. Suddenly you chest was pressed down again and Smaug's hands digging into your hips. He postponed his hips, slamming into you roughly. You cried out with pleasure as he trust deeper, hitting a pleasure spot within you. You would not be able to hold yourself for long and Smaug seemed to notice as he moves even faster and deeper. "Cum for me pet, you are mine. " he growled and with that you were over. You screamed his names loudly to the sky and the feeling if your spasming walls made him fall over the edge too. He was seated deep within You, to make sure your child would be born. You collapsed afterwards and your mind got black. You sat upon your throne, the arkenstone bound to lay against the middle of your chest and the see through red silk clothes adorning your body was decorated in gold and jewels. A golden sword stood besides you and you smirked faintly as you heard Smaug behind you. His true dragon form laid around you in a half moon, only open do you were on full display for whom ever entered the mountain. You were his pet. You were his lover. You were his queen. And you would protect him, no matter what.

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