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"I don't know what you're talking about."

Lauren was hoping that Camila will leave the subject.

"At the cafe, you mistook me as 'Camila'. Who is she?"

Camila obviously not letting it go.

Lauren looked out of the window.

"Just, someone." She replied short.

Silence falls upon them again.

"Do you think dreams can come true?" Asked Lauren, still looking at the window.

"Dreams? As in the future?"

"No. Dreams, as in the kind that you experience when you sleep."


Camila rolled her chair closer to Lauren.

"I don't know. I hardly remember my dreams. Well, do you?"

Lauren turned her face to Camila. She nodded.

"I always have similar dreams."

Camila was listening carefully, she's curious to know where the conversation goes.

"The same person kept appearing in almost all my dreams."

"Oh! Like the boogeyman?" asked Camila, bluntly.

Lauren shook her head.

"No silly, like, a girl."


"I've been dreaming of her since I was little."

Lauren looked down, her expression was unreadable.

"She's always there for me, whether I'm sad or happy."

Lauren looks like she wanted to say something, but she's unsure of it.

"It's stupid but..

I fell in love with her." Lauren said, slightly blushing.

They both kept silent.

"So er.. she still appear in your dreams until now?" Camila asked, attempting to break the awkward situation.

"No. I stopped dreaming of her since I met you."

Camila froze. She didn't know how to react.

"You know what's funny though?"

Lauren looked up.

"She looks exactly like you."

Lauren looked straight into Camila's eyes.

"Maybe dreams do come true."

Lauren smiled as she finished her last sentence.

This is the second time Camila ever seen Lauren smiling. She can feel the sudden increase of her heartbeat and the sudden heat on her cheeks. They're locked in an intense eye contact, but none of them were trying to look away.

Suddenly, Camila's phone rang.

Thank god!

She picked it up. It was Dinah.

"Mila! Where are you?! Are you okay?!"

Dinah's voice was so loud that it sounded as if Camila put her on speaker.

"I'm okay DJ, don't worry about me, I'm at the office..."

Lauren felt relieved after letting it out. She didn't really understand it herself. She never thought that the girl of her dreams exist in real life.

Milk Mustache (Camren Version)Where stories live. Discover now