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"She's extremely lucky." a female doctor said.

Dinah, Jade, Leigh, Ally, Normani, Taylor and Harry were listening very carefully to the doctor's explanations.

"If Miss Jauregui didn't perform the skin to skin treatment, Miss Cabello is probably gone by now."

"She risked herself and ran into the forest alone, stupid." Normani said.

"Yes, but if she's late by even a minute, Miss Cabello might not survive." the doctor added.

They all looked at Lauren who's sitting next to Camila's bed. She hasn't moved an inch from there.

"What Miss Jauregui did was indeed stupid, but courageous. Miss Cabello is so lucky to have such a friend." the doctor smiled.

The doctor nodded before she leaves them standing there.

"Love can make you do stupid things." Normani said as she looked at Lauren.

Dinah smiled and looked at Normani.

"What?" Normani shrugged.

"I'm hungry, let's get something to eat."

They all laughed.

"Don't worry about Mila, she got her guardian angel watching over her." Ally added.

"Yeah." Dinah replied short. She looked at Lauren. Lauren is holding Camila's hand as she stared at Camila's sleeping face lovingly.


I will never leave your side.

Lauren has been sitting next to Camila's bed for hours. No one not even the doctors can make her leave.

"Lauren, you have to rest too."

"Miss Jauregui, let me take care of her while you rest."

"Miss, you can't be here."

Lauren ignored them all.

She made a promise. And she will do anything not to break it. Again.

I will never leave your side.

Suddenly Camila's hands move. Lauren tightens her grip.

"Lauren?" Camila called.

Lauren smiled at Camila, she can feel the tears in her eyes.

Camila smiled back. There's a lot she wanted to talk about but somehow, the words wouldn't come out.

"I'm sorry." Lauren said.

"It's okay. You saved me."

Lauren put Camila's hand on her own cheek before kissing it.

"I must. You are my life."

Camila smiled, "Damn cheesy."

Lauren laughed. "You made me like this."

They both stared at each other.

"I'm sorry." Lauren said, slowly.

"Stop apologizing."

"I broke my promise."

"People do that sometimes." Camila said, smiling weakly.

Lauren looked down, feeling guilty.

Camila tried to lift the mood, "So, it seems that we have unfinished business."

Lauren looked up, "Unfinished business?"

"It's so not romantic.." She mocked Lauren's voice.

"Remember?" Camila smirked.

Milk Mustache (Camren Version)Where stories live. Discover now