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Camila held tight to Lauren's hand as they walk through the park. There weren't many people at the park that night.

Suddenly, Lauren loosens her grip on Camila'a hand and let go. Camila quickly grabs her hand again.

Lauren looked at her girlfriend, surprised.

Camila smiled. "I don't want to let you go."

"I feel like you will leave me if I let go of your hand." She added.

Lauren looked down, silent.

They reached their usual bench and stopped walking.

Lauren gently patted Camila's hair and she smiled.

Camila kept staring at Lauren, she knew something is wrong but she pretend like there isn't.

"Camila, have to let go of my hand." Lauren said softly.

Camila stared at Lauren. She knows exactly what she meant.

Her heart hurts.

"I won't."

Lauren sighed.

"You have to."

Camila shook her head vigorously.

"We both know where our relationship is going." Lauren said.

"You promised." Camil said seriously.

Lauren bit her lip, this is not going to be easy.

"You promised me forever." Camila said calmly.

"I'm..just human." Lauren replied, slow.

Camila scoffed and looked away, but she still held tight to Lauren's hand.

"Let me go." Lauren said.

"Make me."

Lauren held her tears.

"You must understand. I don't want to make you choose."

Camila bit her lip, holding her tears.

"I choose you."

" can't do this to your family."

Camila stared at Lauren, angry.

"Then you can't do this to me!!"

Lauren didn't know what to say. Tears start to rolls down her cheeks.

"Lauren, you know you love me." Camila said.

Lauren wiped her tears with her other hand.

"I'm not going to let you go." Camila added.

Lauren feels so weak but she's determined to make Camila let go of her.

"You're not fit for me." Lauren said, bitter.


"I said you're not at my level."

Camila stared at Lauren in disbelief.

"How can someone like me be with someone like you? Have you checked yourself Camila?"

Lauren stared into Camila's eyes, cold.

"You're nothing."

Lauren can't believe that she just insulted Camila. The words just came out by themselves.

Camila let go of her grip on Lauren's hand. The words do hurt her. She can no longer hold back her tears.

"I know what you're doing, Lauren."Camila said.

Milk Mustache (Camren Version)Where stories live. Discover now