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"I'm sorry, but you didn't make any reservation."

Camila and Lauren were at the hotel lobby, trying to check in.

"Are you sure? Can you please check again?" Lauren asked, there's anger in her voice.

"I've checked it three times already, sorry but your name is not on the reservation list." The receptionist sounded annoyed.

Lauren sighed and turned to look at Camila that's standing behind her. She was reading the hotel brochure.

"Are you sure you already made the reservation, Camila?"

Camila looked up.

"Me? I thought you made the reservation?" ask Camila, blankly.

"What? I thought you did."

"You didn't ask me to." Reply Camila, innocently.

"Well, you should know yourself if we're going to stay somewhere, we need to make a reservation."

Lauren said, trying to control her anger.

"This is my first business trip, how should I know?"

Lauren rolled her eyes. "My god, Camila.."

"You should make the reservation yourself instead of blaming me." Camila said, nonchalant.

"I'm your boss!" Lauren noted, her voice was quite loud.

"Well, that's why you should!" Camila replied, with louder voice.

"Uhmm.." the receptionist clears his throat.

Camila and Lauren stopped arguing.

"So you have any rooms left? We need two rooms please." Lauren said to the receptionist.

He checked at the computer and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, we only have one room left."

One room?

There were so many random imaginations running through Lauren's mind at the thought of her and Camila spending the night in the same room. She blushed.

"Er, excuse me, Miss. Do you want the room?"

"Hey, are you sick? Your face is red." Camila nudged her red-faced boss.

"What? No, I'm not sick."

"So Miss, do you want the room? It's double bed though.."

"We'll take it!" Reply Lauren, almost immediately.


"Camila, are you done yet? The show starts at 8, we need to get there now."

Lauren asked as she tapped the bathroom door.

"I'm almost done."

The bathroom door opens; Camila steps out with a huge smile on her face.

Lauren stunned at the sight. Camila was wearing a pink skirt with a white shirt. It was simple but it looks perfect on Camila.

"Okay boss, let's go!" Camila took Lauren's arm and drags her towards the door.

They arrived there around 7 pm, Camila was so excited she can't stop talking.

"Oh my god, did you see that? It's gorgeous!" Camila said, pointing at some random piece of clothes for the nth time.

Lauren wasn't complaining, Camila was linking her arm with her the whole time. She's just enjoying the warmth.

Milk Mustache (Camren Version)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt