Chapter 1

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3rd person POV

"Go to your room now you ungrateful little bastard!" Kais father shouted. He had beaten Kai senseless for about an hour straight before just getting tired of it. He no longer found it amusing so he just sent him back to his room. His mother started screaming too. "If you weren't born Wed be a happy family!". Kai began running off down the hallway to his room he got in and was just about to slam the door shut when a hand stopped it. It was Ayame. Kais older sister. She glared down at Kai and gave an evil smirk. "Mum and dad gave you a hard time huh?" She said mischievously. Kai didn't reply, he only sobbed and tried to back away. "Well, the pain isn't done yet little bitch!". She slammed the door shut and locked it. She grabbed Kai and threw him against the wall. Kai leaned up against the wall only to receive numerous knees and jabs to the face. His teeth were falling out and his nose was just a water fall of blood. Bruises so bad they looked like massive make up mistakes. Ayame however had no sympathy or regret for what she was doing. She took pride and joy from making him suffer like this. Kai began begging. "P.............p-please..........s-stop". He barely managed to get the words out. This just made her laugh at him. "Your absolutely pathetic you know that. Your a failure to this family. Your nothing but a waste of space. I wish you would just die already!". She then proceeded to kick him in the stomach and punch him in the face over and over. After what seemed like an eternity of abuse, she stopped. Sweat dripped from her forehead. She laughed at the result of Kais body. Just a mess of blood and bruises. Teeth scattered all over. She grabbed him by his hair and spit directly in his face. "Fuck you little wimp!" She shouted in amusement. She pulled out her phone and took a picture of Kais nearly lifeless body and laughed. "What should the caption be?" She took this all as just some joke. She showed Kai her phone. He used what energy he had left to open his eyes and see a picture of him, bloody and bruised with a caption reading *weak son of a bitch*. "God my friends are gonna love this". Ayame was laughing historically as though this was actually funny. She glared at kai and punched him in the stomach. She lent in and whispered one more thing before leaving. "I hope you die". She shoved him on the ground before walking out of his room. Kai layed there, tears leaked down his cheeks as he sobbed quietly. No one was there for him. He had nobody. He truly was hated, for no reason whatsoever. Kai just accepted it and fell asleep in his tears and blood as he dreamed of a better life..............

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