Chapter 9

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3rd person POV

Kai hesitantly opened his eyes and awoke from his nap. He stared up into the sky and had noticed that the sky seemed a lot darker now. He sat up very quickly and accidentally knocked Yuki off of him, waking her. "Mmmmm Kai what was that for?" She pouted. He didn't pay any attention and checked his phone and saw that it was 6.04 PM. "Holy shit! We were asleep for almost 6 hours Yuki" he said surprised. She was still adjusting to the rude awakening, rubbing her eyes. She yawned and said "huh, we must've been pretty tired" she said softly. "Lets go home then babe" she said as she stood up. She stretched her arm out toward him. He gave a kind smile and accepted her hand and stood up. The both laughed and proceeded on their way home.


Ayame had just arrived home. She took off her shoes and dropped her bag onto the floor. She then stood there emotionessly for a while before clenching her hands into the tightest fists and screamed her lungs out. She punched numerous holes into the walls and smashed her cabinets. "WHY! WHY! WHY! HE WAS RIGHT THERE AND I LET HIM GO! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" She shouted. She threw chairs across the room and continued to destroy things. She stopped and started breathing heavily, breathing to try calm down. She then looked on the ground and noticed a picture of kai on the floor but it was cut and the glass was broken and the frame snapped. Her eyes widened and she gasped. "NO!" She rushed and fell to the ground and grabbed the photo. "IM SO SORRY! I DIDNT MEAN TO HURT YOU!" She held the photo ever so gently and coressed it slowly as she looked at him. She felt her eyes tear up again and sadness had once again gotten a hold of her. She fell to the floor and just layed there lifelessly as she sobbed with the picture to her chest.

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