Chapter 3

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3rd person POV

The family car pulled up to the house. Everybody exited the car and went inside. It was late, around 9.00 PM. They had gone out for movies and bowling so they were all pretty tired. Ayame dropped her bag at the door and went down the hallway to Kais room. She kinda felt bad for what she did. "Fine, I'll just go and apologise to him". She began knocking on the door. "Open up little punk!". She shouted but got no reply. "Hey! Answer me bitch!". She was getting angry now. She lost what sympathy she had and slammed the door open. "Hey! If I tell you to answer me, you answ-". She noticed no one was in there. "Huh? W-where is he?". She then noticed the note on his bed and grabbed it. She began reading it.

Dear Family,

By the time you've read this I've already found a new home. I don't wanna be a burden for you anymore. I love you mommy, I love you daddy. Onee-San, I love you heaps more.

Bye Bye,


Her heart shattered into a million pieces. She gripped the letter tighter and started to cry. She regretted ever hurting him. She looked back on all the Times where she'd beat him for no reason. It all came back to her at once and it hurt her more then she hurt him. "Little brother.......................No.........please come..............please come back.......". She fell to her knees and sobbed quietly. "L-little.............little brother..............". She was at the point of emptiness. She hated herself now for what she'd done. "LITTLE BROTHER! PLEASE! PLEASE COME BACK TO ME! PLEASE!". No matter how loud she'd scream or how hard she'd pray................Kai..........wasnt coming back...........


Kais POV

"The stars are so pretty". I said in amazement as I looked up at the sky. Millions of stars covering the sky like a blanket. How beautiful. I snuggled my teddy bear and closed my eyes. I then began to think of my family. I gripped the teddy tighter. "I love you guys" I said before falling asleep.........

Too Late For Forgiveness.............Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin