Chapter 5

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3rd person POV

Ayame was spread on her bed crying whilst cradling a picture of her and kai. It had been 8 years since the day he'd left. She never EVER recovered from losing her little brother. She could barely cope in school or at work because all that was on her mind was having her little brother back. Their parents had passed away a couple years back. Ayame however had no sympathy nor did she even she'd a tear at their funeral. She blamed them for how she behaved. She hated them for the way they treated him. She was happy they were dead and gone. "Little brother...........I love you.......I'm so fucking sorry". She sobbed as she looked at the picture of him and her together. "I want to see you again. I want to hold you in my arms. I want to give you all the love and happiness you never got all at once". She then held the picture to her lips and kissed it. "I love you little brother". She snuggled it into her chest as she dreamed of the day her and kai would be reunited together. She then remembered she had her first day back at university. She got up and went into the bathroom to have a shower. She put a picture of kai on the sink facing her. "Here little brother. You can watch". She began to get undressed and stepped into the shower. After she was done she stepped out dried herself off and put on some panties and a bra. "Come on little brother. Let's get ready for school". She got dressed and went into the kitchen to make some toast. She ate them then went to the front door and began to put her shoes on. She opened the front door and took out the picture. "Hehe. I love you little brother". She said happily before putting the pic back in her bag and started walking to school.

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