Chapter 3

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It's the weekend, and I'm getting ready for the fair. I've chosen one of my inventions, my favorite one - Charly's 2.0. It's a time machine that can take you to any point in time. While I haven't tested it for long distances, based on my calculations, it's ready for various adventures.

As I'm working in my lab, someone enters. I recognize him immediately; he's the only one who knows this place well. The elevator opens, and Clarkine steps out.

"Whoa! Bro, what is that!?" he exclaims.

"Remember what I told you? I'm showcasing one of my inventions at the fair. This is the best one I've made, and I'm confident it will win," I reply.

"I don't care about that stuff, bro, but do you think it's safe? A time machine, seriously?" he asks.

"Do you trust me or not? I've tested it briefly because going too far can alter the future or present time. So, I only go back or forward by a second, and it's effective. What do you think?" I explain.

"I trust you, bro! You're a genius. I believe you'll change our world. Rockets, flying cars – all in your mind. You could fast-track from high school to graduate," he says.

"No, I want to live a normal life outside. This lab is the only place I want to explore my mind. For a 100 IQ child like me, I know there are people who will try to bring me down," I express.

"Aww... But it's a waste. Ahhh! Whatever! Do what you want. I'm just here for you," he says, and I smile.

"I need to go. I'm going to Stephany; I know she's looking for me. And I miss her too," he adds.

"Bro, so cheesy! I know I'm a nerd, but really? I know that stuff, and you're so cheesy and corny!" I tease.

"Whatever, so goodbye!" he says and enters the elevator.

The next day...

"Okay, class, remember what I've said. You need to pay 10 pesos for entrance. Mr. Bautista and Ms. Cruz, follow me." Why me? What's happening?

Our classmates tease us, but I follow the professor, anxious about what's going on.

In the principal's office, my heart races as the principal starts talking about me. "We called you because I want to talk about Ms. Cruz. We know she's not interested in studying, with low grades and getting into trouble. Last Friday, we heard that you did all her seatwork and assignment in just an hour. Your classmates confirmed it. Now, for the good of Ms. Cruz, you will..."

"Excuse me, that you will teach her all the lessons you've covered this year. We're asking for your help, Mr. Bautista," the principal says.

"I'm not refusing, but there are students who can teach her. We can't be together; we always fight over small things," I object.

"Sorry, Charles, if I always tease you. Promise to approve, and I won't tease or bully you forever. Can we be friends?" Caily surprises me.

"What are you doing?" I whisper to her, and she just smiles like a puppy.

"That's it, Mr. Charles. She can work with you. Please sign this contract," the principal says, diverting my attention.

"Why do we need this?" I ask.

"Her parents want to make sure you'll teach their daughter in exchange for 1 million pesos," she explains.

"What!? I don't need money!" I protest.

"Just please be cooperative. We really need your help for her future," she urges.

I reluctantly read the contract, agreeing to teach her during my vacant time, after school until 7 and weekends. I sign it, and the deal starts immediately.

After class, Caily is supposed to go home with me, and it's making me nervous.


Now, I'm packing up to go home, unsure if I'm excited or scared because Caily is accompanying me.

"Follow me, nerd," she orders.

"If you hadn't spoken like that earlier, maybe we wouldn't be in this situation," I sarcastically remark.

"Just shut up and follow me!" she angrily commands.

"Why are you so desperate to learn from me? Or do you just want to play me and bully me again?" I ask.

She stops and admits, "I don't want to be with you, nerd. I'd rather be with my friends, but I don't have a choice. My dad blackmailed me, threatening to cut my credits and put me in jail for life. So, if you don't have any questions, please just shut up!" She says, walking away.

Why me? There are other students who can manage her attitude!


We're in her car, and she's driving. The silence in the car is killing me, but I hesitate to speak because I know she's angry. When we reach home, I see my mom, and her smile has a meaning.

"Not what you think, Mom. She's my student," I explain and guide Caily to the living room.

"Wait here; I'll just go upstairs and change," I say, and Caily crosses her arms, making me sigh. It's going to be challenging.

I enter my room and realize I forgot to check my time machine. Walking towards my shelves, I grab a book, and it opens, revealing the elevator leading to my lab.

Caily's POV

He's taking so long, and I'm getting impatient. I decide to sneak into his room, assuming it's where he went. Oh my gosh, he's a real nerd! The posters and the bed suggest a space-loving 10-year-old. The blue and black theme gives a cold ambiance, and the shelves are filled with encyclopedias. I see an interesting-looking book, open it, and suddenly, the shelves open, revealing an elevator. Woah! I enter and push the red button inside. The elevator starts moving, and when it stops, I find myself in a futuristic place with robots and ships on two floors and a single room.

Charles appears, surprised, and exclaims, "CAILY?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"

"This is amazing, Charles! Is all of this yours?" I ask in awe.

"GET OUT! YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED HERE!" he yells, making me feel angry. He has no right to talk to me like that!

"Really? I like it here. Can we study here?" I ask, looking around, and a big container-like cabinet catches my eye.

"And oh, what's this?" I ask, walking towards it. I enter, and there are many buttons, but the calculator-like device piques my curiosity. I enter the date 2040, thinking it won't work, and entertain myself with the idea that it's a time machine.

"I'm going to push the button!" I announce when Charles shouts and enters this contraption.

"NO! DON'T! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!? GET OUT OF THIS!" he panics, grabbing my hand and pushing me into a corner. He looks scared.

"You don't have the right to tell me what to do!" I shout.

"It's dangerous, Caily! Look where we are! Oh no!" he says, looking at the closing door, attempting to stop it, but it's too late. He looks at the buttons and realizes that I pushed him into the time machine.

"No! Look what you've done!" he says, frustrated.

"What? What's going on?" Now I'm nervous about what's happening. The light above starts opening, shining brightly. I cover my eyes, and Charles hugs me.

A long silence ensues as if we're flying. I open my eyes, and everything is white. Where are we?

The light slowly fades, and everything becomes clear. We're still inside this thing. Phew! I thought we were in trouble!

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