Chapter 5

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Next day I'm getting bored I want to go out but its forbidden.

"Charles can we go out? Its so suffocating here." She said.

"Yeah me too... I'm getting bored I never knew I will be this bored on my own lab. This is my best place." I said then laugh a little.

"Guys Why didn't you hangout? Go out here and walk around the city." Clarkine said as he was entering the lab.

"We can't if everyone will see us we will going to make a big change in our future." I said.

"Oh Come On Charles! I miss you for almost 17 years!" He said coveying me.

"Just say yes Nerd. I'm getting bored here." Caily said. As she always is.

"Ok Ok!" I said. Maybe a little change will not affect anything.

We go around the city. Its so amazing. I've seen a lot of changes. There are flying cars and flying board that in my present we called it hubberboard. There are five consecutive sky ways the building are so high. I never thought this will be like this.

"Remember what I've said to you that your the change of the world? You did it Charles. In the age of 20 you build an High-Technology Company that produce things. Those flying cara and boards also the idea of a rockets and some of the people moved to other planet because of your own invent survival house and World Shield. That's all in you. But after that accident and when your wife left him theres no one that handled the company. Charley help sometimes and suggest new advance technologies. Does highly advantage phone. He invent it. He got your ability Charles and now the Charley B. Technology Corp is the most popular and highest Technology corporation in the whole world. You really change the world bro." He said

Woah! It means I will invent all of it? I saw high building with a Charley B on its highest roof.

"We will going to eat and I will tour you around." Clarkine said. We enter on a restaurant not like the other resto from my present the high advance technology is so obvious here.

We seat on one of the table and a waiter go near us. A long tube with a touch screen device on its end drop down.

"What's your order sir?" He asked. Then Clarkine said it. And not that long time a tray from above drop down and some look like hand, arrange our tables. I as drop my mouth on amusement.

"You also invent this." He said.

"You really a Genius Charles" Cailys said.

After we eat someone called Clarkine he need to be in the office so his assistant assist as from where we want to go.

"Am wait I need to go to a bathroom." I said then go out from the car. Caily come with me because she said she also wants to but I know she is just afraid to be there alone.

While I'm inside someone go indside. I think I know him. Its him the friend of Charley. I need to follow him.

I go outside when he go to.

"Hey, What your doing?"Caily said but I just drag her and follow that man.

The man enter an skenita and then he moved to a building. We follow him until he reach his destination. It's look like a under ground secret room. Then someone out from that place. Its Charley.
"I know he hiding something from Clark." they enter it and its look like it has a detector. But we got surprised when it open when it scan my face.

"Your genes are helpful." Caily said.

"I think so." we go inside it and saw a lab with so much computers! Every corner of this place had a screen that I think is programed by my son.

"Ok this is the plan. You will going to enter their building then I will try to hack their system and call the president by his sons number and voice then the secretary will be outside so you have an our to do te operation. You will going to act as the president as and when the investment on come in you make do the deal. Get it?" He said.

"What is he doing?" Caily's said.

"He's a conartist." I answered.

Then we follow their mission I observed how he worked and it amaze me. Yes he's amazing.
He is really my son.

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