Chapter 9

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Caily's POV

Oh! Its a good sleep! I woke up and walk to the bathroom while I'm still closed my eyes. Awww I'm still sleepy! I open the door and Was about to open the curtain when I notice a figure inside. I gulp. Oh no I think its Charles.

I heard her voice while he sang. Okay its a lovely voice. Seriously but I don't care. I slowly walk to go out and for me not to notice but the curtain open and I unintentionly look back that's make my eyes wide open.

Oh my goodness! I admit! He's so hnadsome with out that glasses. His hair are unstyled and his mouth drop seeing me here and down to her six pack abs! When did he work for it!? .

"Yah! Stop that fantasy!" He said that's make me wake up in my imagination but its all true!

"Caily? What are you doing here?" He said.

"I-I-I was about to use the bathroom and-and I didn't know your inside taking a shower..." I said.

"And now your amaze what I look like when I unwear my nerd style?" He said. What?!

"Huh?! In your dreams! Your still Ugly!" I said and was about to walk out when I didn't notice a spoil of water reason for me to slide but someone catch me before I fall to the ground.

"Are you okay?" He worriedly said. Gosh! His Handsome face are so near with mine! Wait What?! Why Am I fantisize him!? I immediately sand up and fix my self.

"Y-yeah..." I confidently said. Then go out .

What was I thinking of?! But he is so... STOP CAILY! Your face is so red! Why it is so hot here!?

Then suddenly Charley walk infront of me.

"Caily are you alright? Your face is so red."

"Yes I am! Seriously!? I'm not!" I said.

"You say so..." He said and walk pass through me.

Why me?! I'm really not!

Charles POV

Its our last day and I don't know if I'm going to be happy or not. Just like what I'm feeling on the our first day here.

Then on those days that Caily and I were together. I don't know but I feel something strange. My heart beat fast and I don't know how to explain this feeling.

"Charles,Caily can you with me? I want to be here since I was young." He said then show us a picture of a beach in a post card. Wow! In one week that I've been here this is the first time that I saw a thing that is not controled by technology!

"Ofcourse let's go now before the clock strikes 5" I said.


Its a long trip to be here. Ofcourse everything in the city is so high tech so I also want to in different place.

"Woah! This is so amazing!" He said. I smiled seeing him like this.

"Look! Its so cool to be here! I didn't expect that it will be like this so beautiful! I just always so this on TV or internet and on a place that is all about technology!" He said.

"Yea its the most beautiful place in the world. Sometimes you need to get out from the things that you always with to experience new things that yiu don't know that exist." I said.

"And I think swimming here is the best part! Come' On Caily!" he said then drag Caily to the ocean. I smiled seeing them. I thought if I could change anything. I will change it. I will do anything to change it. For them to be happy.

"Hey Charles! Come on!" He said. I run to them and now I can say I really deserve to have them.

Charleys POV

I got out from the water and go to the cottage. I look at them they enjoying each other. They really look so sweet. I hope I will able to see them at my time. I hope I can go back to time and save my father to that accident. By just thinking that Charles will die it give me pain.

I got my phone and look at the time. Oh no!, Its already 5:30 we need to go home.

"Guys! Come on! Hurry! Its already time!" I shout then run to the car they after me.

We are now in the car and we're taking out trip for almost 1 hour. Oh my god I won't let this to happen laba

I drive it and step the Gas at its highest level. I look at the watch its already 6:30. We only have 30 minutes left

We reach the lab and uncle is in there.

"My God! Where have you been!? You will lost the chance!" He shout.

I look at the time. Its 6:55. Its only five minutes left.

Daddy... Mommy... I'm gonna miss you.

Charles POV

The we only have 5 minutes left I look at them specially to Charley.

"Thank you for accepting us. For taking care of us. I'm gonna miss you specially you my son." I said then I feel the tears fall to my cheeks.

"Charley... remember what I've taught to you. Always remember I will be always here in your heart and also your mom. We always here to guide you." I said.

Then he hug us.

"Daddy... Mommy... Im going to miss you. Thanks for the memories. I'm going to miss you." He said sobing.

"Charles its time." Clarkine said.

"Ok. Goodbye our son." We said.

We enter the time machine and te light turns on again. I smiled to Caily then in my surprise she kiss me on my lips... I didn't know why I close my eyes but I did.

A minutes past by and I heard the door open.

"Charles! Caily!" I smiled when I heard his voice. We are really back!

"Clarkine!" I said then hug him.

"Eww are you really not gay?" Caily said.

"No! I'm not let's just say that I'm the true friend of him." Clarkine said.

Caily and my eyes met and slowly we laugh.

"W-whats wrong?" He asked.

"No. Let's just say that We just remember someone to you." I said then I covey him.

I will gonna miss you my son.
I will gonna miss the feeling inside my future.

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