Chapter eleven: Not them too

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It's been a few weeks since Yami's kidnapping. It breaks my heart a little more each day that he's not here. I keep telling myself that I will find him with the help of my friends. But even still, I don't know how much hope I have left.

I hear a buzzing sound along with music playing in the background. I sit up in bed and look over at my nightstand. Ryou's name glowed on the screen. I pick up the phone and answer it. "Hello?" I say my voice slightly groggy with sleep. "Yugi, are you up?" I hear a frantic Ryou talking a little rushed. "Yea." I yawn. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, but it's really important." He says his voice starting to crack. "It's ok Ryou. What's wrong?" I ask starting to get worried. Ryou never calls me in the middle of the night unless something's wrong. "Bakura, he he's gone too." I hear light sobs in the background. Bakura too? But why?

I make shushing sounds and say soothing words to try to calm him. He's really upset, but who could blame him. After all his boyfriend goes missing when he says he's gonna do something then be right back. But that never happens.

Soon the sobs started to die down and the only thing that remained was the sniffling. Now that he was somewhat calmed down, I was going to try to talk to him. "It's ok Ryou." I assure him. "Are you sure, because it doesn't feel like it." Ryou asked his voice sounding a little strained. "I know. I felt that way the first night too." I said the words tugging at my heart. I can't blame him for wanting to cry right now. I could feel the tears building up in my eyes. I fought to keep them from falling. I'm suppose to be comforting him, not crying.

I choke back the tears. I had to keep sane. At least for the baby's and Ryou's sake. "We'll find him." I start to say. "I hope you're right." Ryou comments. "Just like Yami, we'll get Bakura back too." I smile at the thought. I can't see his face, but I'm sure he had a weak smile on his lips.

Almost three weeks with no new answers. Ryou and I sit in the living room on the couch talking. Today has been pretty boring if you ask us. Well not including what happened this morning or anything. We talked about random stuff. Tv, food, and duel monsters. Right in the middle of our conversation, Malik bursts into the living room panting.

Sweat dripped from his forehead while fear shown in his eyes. I wonder what's gotten into Malik. "Marik, ice cream, no show." Malik pants sitting on his knees and leaning up against the couch. "Don't tell me." I said having an idea of what he was going to say. "He's missing!" Malik cried. "Ice cream?" I hear Ryou question. Under all the pain and hurt, Malik blushes. "Um, don't ask." He says now hiding his face. "I probably don't want to know anyways." Ryou comments with a nervous laugh. "Anyway, what happened Malik?" I ask changing the subject. "Marik said he was going to the store to buy fun cream, which is what he calls ice cream, and he said he would be back in ten to fifth teen minutes. Well when ten minutes turned to fifth teen and then fifth teen turned to thirty and I got worried. I tried calling him, but he didn't pick up." Malik explained. "It's not like Marik to not pick up his phone." I put my finger up to my lips and tried to think. "Yea, that's why I came here." He said. "Don't worry Malik, we'll find him." Ryou musters his best smile now thinking of Bakura. I nod my head to reassure him.

First Yami, then Bakura, and now Marik. What do these guys want with our boyfriends? Could it have anything to do with their ancient egyptian past? We'll figure out who's doing this and stop them for good. Now we have a serious problem on our hands.

A/N: Yay, chapter eleven complete. You guys may think differently, but I felt like this was a short chapter to write. I guess it's because I'm used to writing really long chapters or almost never ending short stories haha. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Yugi- Bakura and Marik too! Nooooo!

Yugi cries into the distance.

Me- Don't worry Yugi, it's all in the plan.

I smile evilly.

Yugi- It better be a good plan. I want my mou hitori no boku back.

Yugi pouts with his arms crossed.

Me- Don't worry, it is.

I smile warm heartedly at him.

Yugi- Well, that's all for now.

He sighs with a small smile.

Me- Don't forget to comment and vote.

I cheekily grin holding up a peace sign.

I'm his hikari and he's my yami (Yugioh YamixYugi)Where stories live. Discover now