Chapter forty five: Sweet lullaby on a stormy night

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I was sound asleep until I woke up to the sound of crying and thunder. I groan and rub my eyes to help myself wake up. I carefully get away from Yami and go to check on Hana.

As I make my way to Hana's room, her cries resonate through amd down the hallway. I get to her room and quickly go to her crib. I scoop her up and cradle her in my arms. "Shhhhhh, it's okay Hana, daddy's got you." I coo, trying to soothe her. This doesn't seem to be helping much as she continues to cry. I begin to rock my hips from side to side in a gentle swaying motion. This kind of helps as Hana's cries soften to an extent.

I continue to rock her, her cries still filling my ears. I decide to sing her, her favorite lullaby. "In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight." I start to sing. She hears me and watches me with tear filled eyes. "In the jungle the quiet jungle the lion sleeps tonight." I sing another verse of the song. Her crying quiets, but she still sniffles. Seeing as the songs helping, I continue.

Yami's POV

I wake up and feel that Yugi's gone. A slight panic rises in my chest. Please tell me he just woke up to go to the bathroom or something. I wake up more and notice crying. It's Hana's. Yugi must be taking care of her. I should go help, but it's not like it would do much good anyway. My daughter barely knows me enough to want me to take care of her when she's in a mood like this. I feel like I'll never get the chance to take care of her without her wanting Yugi or even grandpa over her second father. Maybe the day will come when I can take care of her without upsetting her because I'm basically a stranger to her.

It's almost around ten minutes before I don't hear anymore crying. I decide to get up anyways to make sure everything's okay. I make my way to Hana's room and walk in. "Y-Yugi, is she alright?" I ask softly. He doesn't answer me. I listen closely and realize he's singing to her. I smile at this. I stay quiet and listen. "Little child, be not afraid. The rain pounds hard against the glass. Like an unwanted stranger, there is no danger. I am here tonight." I smile softly at his warm and soft voice. "Little child, be not afraid. The thunder explodes and the lightening flash, illuminates your tear stained face, but I am here tonight." I continue to listen. "And someday you'll know, that nature is so. This same rain that draws you near me falls on rivers and land and forests and sand. Makes the beautiful world that you see in the morning." Hana eventually stops sniffling and lies there in his arms contently. "Little child, be not afraid. The storm clouds mask your beloved moon and its candlelight beams still keep pleasant dreams. I am here tonight." Even though I can't see his face, I can tell he's smiling and glad that she's calming down. "Little child, be not afraid. The wind makes creatures of our trees and the branches to hands. They're not real understand and I am here tonight." Her eyes are dry and wide open as she listens. "And someday you'll know that nature is so. This same rain that draws you near me falls on rivers and land and forests and sand. Makes the beautiful world that you see in the morning." As Yugi sings to her, her eyes slowly start to get heavy. "For you know, once even I was a little child and I was afraid, but a gentle someone always came to dry all my tears, trade sweet sleep the fears and to give a kiss goodnight. Well, now I am grown and these years have shown rain's a part of how life goes. But it's dark and it's late so I'll hold you and wait 'til your frightened eyes do close." She takes her little hand and grabs onto Yugi's pajama shirt and snuggling as close as possible to him. "And I hope that you'll know that nature is so. This same rain that draws you near me falls on rivers and land and forests and sand. Makes the beautiful world that you see in the morning. Everything's fine in the morning. The rain will be gone in the morning, But I'll still be here in the morning." By the time he finishes the song, Hana's fast asleep in his arms. I feel something wet at the corners of my eyes and wipe them. I didn't realize that I had been crying a little. I get a grip and recompose myself. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist, pulling him close to me.

Yugi's POV

I watch as Hana falls asleep in my arms as I finish up the song. I smile, glad that she's calmed down and back to sleep again. Before I know it, I feel arms wrap around my waist and pull me close. My body shivers at the touch. I almost panic and jerk away, but I realize it's just Yami. "Everything alright aibou?" I hear him ask softly against my ear. "Yes. Hana must have been woken up by the storm." I answer in a soft voice. "Oh, I see. I'm glad she's alright now." He says, giving me a light squeeze and a kiss on the cheek. "Yeah, me too. So um..." I begin, my cheeks starting to heat up. "H-how long have you been in here?" I'm blushing darkly by now. Yami's never heard me sing before. Or at least until now if he heard me singing to Hana. "Not long. Just long enough to hear your adorable singing voice." I swear I can feel him smirking at me. "S-seriously?" I stutter, embarrassed. "Don't be embarrassed koi, I loved listening to you sing to Hana." He tries to coerce me. "R-really?" I ask nervously. "Yes, really." He assures me. "O-okay." He chuckles softly. I sigh and roll my eyes and snuggle close into his touch. 

I'm tired and ready to go back to bed now. "Ready to go back to bed aibou?" Yami asks. "Yes." I yawn. "Then let's go." I feel Yami go to pick me up bridal style. "Y-Yami, I can't sleep with her in our bed. She's too little." I quickly remind him. He doesn't listen and picks me up anyways. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she's cocooned between the both of us. Nice, safe and warm." I slightly groan, not really for the idea of having our small one year old in bed with us. If it wasn't for worrying that she'll fall off the bed or something while we're asleep I wouldn't mind. "A-alright, j-just this once." I give in as another yawn comes out. "Mine." He says, giving both of us a kiss on the forehead as he takes us to bed. Yami walks back into the room and gets us all tucked in. He crawls in beside Hana and makes sure she's cocooned in between us like he said he would. By the time we're all settled and everything, sleep takes me back in its arms and holds me tight to keep me happy, safe, and warm.

Yami- I'm happy.

Yugi- Of course you are..

Yugi blushes darkly.

Me- But it was so cute.

I giggle.

Yami- Yes, it was. Yugi's a great father.

Me- I know he is and you are too Yami. We just haven't gotten to that part yet.

Yugi- T-thanks..

Yami- Well I hope it's soon. I'd like to have her now.

Me- Don't worry, you get your turn soon.

Yami- I hope so.

Me- I think someone's starting to get jealous.

I snicker.

Yami- N-no I'm not. It, it's just she's mine too.

Yami scoffs with a light stutter, envy evident in his voice.

Me- Whatever you say Yami.

I smirk.

Yugi- Looks like we better go before things get worse.

Me- Yeah, that's a good idea. Bye guys.

Yami- I agree. Rose knows she won't win.

He smirks a little. 

Me-We'll finish this behind doors so we don't get rated for what will happen if we continue this little conversation.

Yugi- Okay you two, that's enough. 

Yami- Now that I agree with.

Me- Remember to comment and vote guys.

I'm his hikari and he's my yami (Yugioh YamixYugi)Where stories live. Discover now